Consul Report


Consul Report


The AWOL check went through it's first week, for all of you who have not replied yet, you still got one weeks time.

Following is the list of people who have replied to me (or at least those whose reply I received), if you are not on this list then please send me your reply ASAP! and don't remember what I said about adding what you have done in the past three month, and how you are happy with performance (or not) thus far, and how you would improve!






From those three I got an actual reply.



I know you two are alive from mail or topic change in #csk... grats on being a daddy WW btw!, it would be good anyway if you did me something.. only for the record you know? :P

So yup all summits are alive, now clan members:








these again replied,

Vess reported that:

Marius Bob


Final Sage, are alive .Yet again no direct mail from them.

And that's the whole lot :/

I know we have more active people I see what they do in the acc or their mails... but for some reason it looks like they just tend to not read my updates!

which is a very SAAAAAAAAD thing!

Atm I ask all summits to please email their members and make them aware of this AWOL check, and slap their wrists for not reading the updates I send out! Every one has as I stated last week another week to reply+ 24 hours after which they will be removed to rogue...

Dalthid and mKel have been so far to indulge my request for additional info on what they been up to in the past and what they see in the future, so thx both of you. I still hope to see similar mails... even from those who already replied to the check!

On a side note, my character sheet for the ACC has been approved, and I am just awaiting for my qualification fight to commence... Thought I would just tell you in case any of you had what it takes to challenge me! As you see challenging me is already a big feat in my opinion... cause you have no chance to win... Or maybe you do?! :P

Last but not least: I recommend all of you check this post : .

ideas? comments? just send my a mail.

SO Gord Darkonian (Sith)/CON/Clan Satal Keto



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