Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

Prophecy Phyle Tetrarch Report #4:

Greetings dark brethren, time yet again for the weekly tetrarch

report. As you already know the Awol check was over last

week, i have heard from everyone but Arion Sunrider and

Minoru. Also to announce, I have taken Nov Kraith under my

wing as my apprentice. I will begin training him in the ways of

the Dark Jedi as well as future leader, congratulations Kraith. I

will send you your first assignment shortly, so please keep an

eye on your mail for your first assignment.

House News:

Nothing much has happened that I know of since my computer

has been down and much of the email that our quaestor and

aedile have sent i didn't get, if anyone has any news that I need

to know of please contact me.

Phyle News:

Other than the upcoming phyle war, nothing else is happening.

Medals and Promotions:

Our very own Fallen Prince, Epis Xizor, passed his test to

become an ACC judge, congratulations!!!


just go here to find the latest competitions:



Krath Tetrarch DJK Kris Omega

Krath Tyro DJM Mairin Veda Lurien Amadiciel Astoris Arsenan d'Alavel

Krath Tyro Pontifex Arion Aquillarum Sunrider

Krath Tyro Epis Korbane Ashoka

Krath Tyro Epis Xizor-congrats on your position as ACC judge

Krath Tyro JH Kandos Katarn

Krath Tyro GRD Haste Black

Krath Tyro GRD Kronos Omega-LOA until further notice

Krath Tyro PRT Jandos Phyleus Kalinor

Krath Tyro PRT Morgan

Krath Tyro NOV Minoru

Krath Tyro NOV Kraith Dakiel-congrats on becoming my apprentice.

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