


Welcome to the acting Grand Master and Lord Chamberlain announcements. A TON is happening this week, and I have even more planned, so.. :P

I have been working very closely with a number of other DC members in order to flush out and improve on several areas of the Dark Jedi Brotherhood. In addition, a few Consuls have made requests to centralize their game players. In working with the Master at Arms and the Seneschal's Office, a system has been created to allow Clans to create multi-order Houses for the first time in many years. Some of our older members will remember how successful the multi-order system was at increasing knowledge of the Orders and providing well rounded leadership. Its my belief that this return to a multi-order system makes a very important foundation in our organization's future.

With the help of several members, my Magistrate and myself have created an Order of Battle for our organization.

Featured in this Order of Battle will be numerous new ships. In the very near future, the Sith High Warrior and I will be flushing out the Order of Battle to include more than just capital ships... More information on that will be forthcoming.

As many of you know, last week I called upon two of our most active Dark Council members for recognition. This week, I have received word that there are others among us who deserve such recognition.

Sith High Warrior Xanos Zorrixor Sadow, you have been a constant friend and ally. Guiding your Clan through the Exodus, you earned my respect. Your work as Sith High Warrior, and your help you have provided me in these recent months, has earned you my friendship. Today, I recognize that your hard work and dedication to your Order and the Dark Jedi Brotherhood has more than earned the promotion I now confer on you. Xanos Zorrixor Sadow, you are now a Dark Adept. Congratulations, and may you continue to serve the Dark Jedi Brotherhood and earn yourself the recognition you deserve!

Our most consistent Dark Council member since the split has been the Krath High Priestess. The Krath, under her leadership, have clearly been the most successful Order in the last few months. It is with the highest recommendation from various members on the Dark Council that I award Alanna an Emerald Dagger, and the prestige of being one of the few to receive such an honored award!

In addition to the above Council members, I wish to recognize one other member. He has served in this organization faithfully for as long as I have. He's been my friend, and an active member wherever he has been. He first served with me as a Squadron Commander in House Senryaku, when I was Quaestor there. Over the years, Rakhai has had leadership positions across the Brotherhood. Since the split, he's been doing whatever he can to help me out, as well as serving as an active member of Clan Arcona for some time. It is with great pleasure that I announce the promotion of Arch Priest Rakhai (Numaril or some such officially :P) to the rank of Krath Epis. Congratulations, Rakhai!

I wish to remind the Consuls out there, that we have not forgotten the work you've done... But the Emissary has come down with the flu. He will be back after Christmas in all likely hood. I'll keep you guys updated as I know more. :)

I've also started a little competition. Its a Top 10 Dark Jedi New Years resolution competition. Theres two sets of awards to be won... One set of crescents for those under Dark Jedi Knight, and one for those over Dark Jedi Knight. The competition is up at ... Its a very small, quick competition, so you all should do it :P

The second portion of Capital Gains begins today. I'll be sending Consuls information for them to forward to their membership on the fictional portion of this competition. You can also view the competition at ... Feel free to surf on over there and get a head-start on the competition, as Clan members may not receive the information from their Consuls until tomorrow. :)

Additionally, I would like to congratulate the Proconsul of Satal Keto on his promotion. While Dalthid and I may not always agree, he's a talented leader and an active member, and deserves his promotion to Epis. :) Also, Spears of Clan Tarentum has been elevated to the rank of Dark Jedi Knight... Congratulations, Spears, and enjoy your new lightsaber! (A note: He's also been made P:HM by Kaiann... so.. double congrats in order.. ;))

The last two meetings have seen a number of promotions and appointment announcements. I plan to make the meetings the primary place for announcing of awards I plan on giving out, so theres an extra bonus to attending the meetings. Below are the logs of those meetings:



They're hosted on our message boards, in the announcements forum. Check them out if you want. :)

Dark Adept Telaris "Mav" Cantor

Acting Grand Master

Lord Chamberlain

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