Tis the season for lots of boxes to be shipped and lots of flights to be late. I hope everyone has an enjoyable holiday season and a safe one. Anyone see my company lost a plane? Terrible that but at least the crew got out with minor damage.
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
Well, Pyralis, Dranik, and Anshar were awarded a Star of Antei with my recommendation. I was very happy to write up the recommendations for you three. I just wish I could have awarded the medals myself. Merry Christmas from your TET guys :)
Since I have no gossip or phyle happenings to talk about I'll just talk about my own gossip. I've been busy doing a bunch of the different competitions that are out. One of them has people failing SA tests as creatively as possible.
Well I did that and the grader didn't know about the competition. The response I got from her was so funny, I know I did a good job on it. So let it be known that I bring shame to everyone and I insulted the SA and its staff with my behavior. Hehehe, all was set right though and I apologized to her.
Competition stuffs!!
There are so many competitions out right now it's hard to keep track of them all. As always I've been trying to keep them all up on the competition page of the website. I suggest working on things within the house and clan before moving on to things outside. Although some are so easy and quick to do, just ten minutes for some. They were fun too :)
Question of the week.
Does anyone not like Sara Lee?
An now for your moment of peaceful zen.
A quiet, starlit sky gazed down upon a group of villagers singing around their decorated fir tree. The air was crisp and the ground covered in a pure blanket of snow. Suddenly out of no where the Ewoks came. They charged across the fields and devoured the village in the blink of an eye. They left nothing but a few licks of fire and their dirty tracks.
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