Welcome Children of Kun to this new report from your loved Consul.
Finally it seems things are starting to move straight for our clan. Yesterday, with the new arrival of JH KnightofRage in House Ziost we have reached 42 members and that bring us above CSP and CSK. This is thanx the hard work of all of you but also to those brave that had worked for soo long to bring some spotlights on us. I still remember when we started CEK after the slit and how we were always on the verge of been disbanded but NOW with Ziost been our orderless House and Byss, our Krath House, in so good shape there's nothing that can stop us. We have among the finest writers the DB has to offer and our pilots and fighters need only some touches here and there and that will be really important in planning of a Feud, and an alliance, I have in mind to start (after the xmass break obviously).
Now I'd like to spend some words on an interesting issue, and since that's MY report I can do what I want.
As you all know, yeah you SW geeks like me outthere, we are named after the greatest Dark Lord of the Sith of the history of SW, Lord Exar Kun. Now some coincidences has occurred that I find really interesting and worth to mention.
As you all know our ancestor was named Dark Lord of the Sith by the spirit of Marka Ragnos whom appointed, to say so, Qel Droma as his apprentice. Now it happens that Ulic was one of the leader of the newly created Kraths with the Aleema Keto (the cousin of Setal). What's the point in this history lesson ? Well, the interesting part came now. As you all know I'm a Sith and our proconsul Gilkane is a Krath, but what I really find, say, funny is that I'm the founding consul of Clan Exar Kun and he is the founding consul of Clan Setal Keto. That means that, fictionally, after thousands of years the two lines are togheter again, the Siths and the Kraths are INDEED working togheter. This may only lead us to glovy and final fictory over anyone so stupid to challenge the heirs of those that set the galaxy on fire thousands of years ago.
I don't know you guys but I like it.
Now, I'd better move on with my report...
This week we have seen some important promotions int he DC, most notabily the SHW Goatham to SA and Yacko to DJM and I want to extend my congratulations to both of them.
The Second part of the Capital Gain competition started 2 days ago and though you should have the dettails in your inbox, I attached the mail from the LCH to this report. There you'll find the outline of the comp along with the dettails and specs of our ships.
Don't forget also the Weekly Interclub Training night held with the LCH and the Thursday Night Bash by the CoG, two good occasion to recive medals and keep your skills warm.
Also the CoG, Halcyon, is running a DB wide multiplayer comepetition called the 'Skill of a Warrior' , here http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=209 , you'll find all the dettails.
On a side note, if you don't have Knight of the Old Republic for PC (has some special things that the XBox did had heh =P)
and you like RPGs then you are making the MISTAKE of the YEAR. I spent the whole week playing that game and it has an amazing story, wonderfull quests and side quests and the characters are very well rounded up. The only dettail I didn't liked are things only a geek will find. So, after my return from amsterdam I'll start an hunt about them =)
This ends my report and I head back to play with KOTOR some more =P
May the Dark Side guide you all.
Sith WarLord Khan
Consul of Clan Exar Kun
SWL Khan (Sith)/CON/Clan Exar Kun[KSOE: KC2]
" The Power tires only those who do not have it. " Giulio Andreotti, former Italian Prime Minister.
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