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_The Twenty-Second of December in the Year of Our Lord FireFox,
Two-Thousand and Three_
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[- My Name is Jim -](#1)
[- That Time of Year -](#11)
[- Reports, Interior/Exterior -](#12)
[- House Merging -](#13)
[- And Tonight You Die -](#2)
[- Message Board Updates -](#3)
[- I'll be home for Christmas -](#4)
[- Big Props -](#100)
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"My religion consists of a humble admiration of the illimitable superior spirit who reveals himself in the slight details we are able to perceive with our frail and feeble mind." </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#333333" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="20"> <>- My Name is Jim -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="18">
So skiing was a blast. We went to Copper Mountain Colorado for 4 days and Vail for 1 day. I suck at powder skiing, so Vail wasn't that fun for me, but I had a great time at Copper. We spent a lot of time skiing through the woods and doing black diamond mogul runs. I am about 300x better at skiing now than when I left.
Unfortunately, I was gone for 9 days. It was hard being without a net connection for that many days. I am such a nerd. In fact, I am so much of a nerd that instead of partying Wednesday night of my vacation I went and saw RoTK. Now that was one hell of a movie.
And it was good that I went to see it that night, cause that was the night my ex-ex-gf hooked up with one of my roommates. I didn't want to block him from any fun.
I'm up at school still for 2 days to work. I'm gonna put in some long hours (about 12 today and 9 tomorrow) so that I can get some last minute Christmas money.
It's good to be back online again. I was pleased with the progress while I was away, and I have a lot of motivation after the break.
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" bgcolor="#333333" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="20"> <>- That Time of Year -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="18">
Every year around this time, things start to slow down a lot. It is understandable. Real Life is demanding during the holidays with family around, presents to buy, and lots of food to eat.
I just want everyone to be patient until the start of the new year. Everyone and their mom is on a wired schedule, and there is no need to push people when they aren't going to have much time anyway.
That doesn't mean that you can slack though. I still want reports and such. Unless you have no net access, reports and all should be done as normal.
Everyone have a good time over the holidays, and we'll get moving on the other side.
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<tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> <>- Reports, Interior/Exterior -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
These next few weeks, I will be implementing a new reporting structure within the Consuls and the Dark Council (mainly the DC).
Over the past years I have found it was hard to always keep track of projects and interior items. Things tend to get delegated and then lost due to the inability to put out progress reports on some things to the public. To combat this I will be implementing the Interior report system. This will not be built into the website yet, but rather will be simple emails sent to me as a status report on current projects. These reports will also include staff evaluations and any other pertinent information.
Every other Monday (starting next monday) I will send out a list of people who need to send an Interior Report by Friday. These reports can be as short or as long as needed. If your name never appears on the list - don't worry about it.
The reports that we do now are now Exterior Reports. No need for distinction among the masses, but i thought I should tell ya.
This will help my job of delegation and organization immensely.
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<tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> <>- House Merging -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
As many of you know and have felt, we are experimenting with the combination Sith/Obelisk houses. It has long been a goal of this Dark Council to foster the move toward Multi-Order houses, and this is the first of a dynamic set of steps. The Sith and Obelisk houses that are effected will help to stabilize those orders and bring about new waves of activity through the consolidation of leadership.
This will be a natural progression until true multi-order houses can be achieved. I am confident in the benefits this move will bring the DB.
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> <>- And Tonight You Die -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
The deadline for turning in clones passed (right before I left for vacation), and I will be removing all clones tonight. Anyone caught with a clone henceforth will be dealt with by the CoJ.
Email me with more deletions if extenuating circumstances exist. You won't get the medal transfers, but you won't be in trouble.
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> <>- Message Board Updates -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
I have updated the Moderators on the Message Boards. If you are not listed as one and should be, contact me.
It has come to my attention that some people are having trouble registering for the message board again. If you have this trouble, or any other MB troubles, e-mail me and I'll get right on it.
Finally, I have moved the DB Soap Box into its own Category. This way, people don't have to look at it if they don't want to. I will not tolerate spam in other categories as much as I used to. People complain and you will lose your precious post count.
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> <>- I'll be home for Christmas -</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
I will be going home tomorrow evening for the Holidays until January 4th. I am bring back my computer and everything, so my activity should be constant. I won't be available on IRC as much, prolly, but I'll be around by e-mail and all. I will be out completely Christmas and New Years day most likely.
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<>- Big Props -</td>
<td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
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Gigantic Props to Mav for his leadership whil FF and I were gone! -
Congratulations to Yacko on achieving DJM!! -
Grats to Lannie on the ED! -
Big Props to Cyris on his Promotion! -
Yaaay! Halcyon got promoted! -
Props to Bloodfyre for doing Comp Approval while I was gone -
Goooooo Shen-Long on your new GC! -
w00t! Go Dalthid! You go Epis! -
HUGE Congrats to Goatham on getting DA!!! -
Go Spears! YOu got your lightsaber! -
Great job on getting the lightsaber Pheonix! -
Congratulations to Numaril on Epis! -
</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5" bgcolor="#333333"> "The known is finite, the unknown infinite; intellectually we stand on an island in the midst of an illimitable ocean of inexplicability. Our business in every generation is to reclaim a little more land."</td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5"> </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="100%" align="center" style="border-left-width: 1; border-right-width: 1; border-top-style: solid; border-top-width: 1; border-bottom-width: 1" bordercolor="#333333" colspan="2" height="5">
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Wow I acutally made the Big Props list, this can only mean the end of the world is near :-)