|*** QuAeStOr RePoRt FoR hOuSe AlEeMa ***|
28th December 2003
(#) News Viewer (#)
~ 12 Days of christmas results are out. Check DJB news section.
~ Temp GOA submission form at http://www.yogle.freeserve.co.uk/GoA/
(#) Aleema Info Line (#)
~ House Competitions are still running!
~ New member! APP Azreal!
~ Dalthid back from Christmas vacation!
(#) Aleema Stats (#)
%% Promotions %%
APP Azreal to NOV!
NOV Exir Eveso Nah'Guna H'es Mas to ACO!
%% Medals %%
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar awarded Crescent with Diamond Star for 1st place in '12 days of Christmas' competition
ACO Exir Eveso Nah'Guna H'es Mas awarded Crescent with Ruby Star for Joint 2nd place in '12 days of Christmas' competition
%% Exams %%
ACO Exir Eveso Nah'Guna H'es Mas passed IRC Basics Exam, MSN Messenger Exam
NOV Azreal passed MSN Messenger Exam, Test of Skill
%% Miscellaneous %%
(#) Report Stat (#)
RM Report: Done
AoD Report: Done
SoTN Report: Pending...
(#) Aleema Events (#)
Aleemastmas Joy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=220
Under the Aleemian Riddle-toad - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=222
The Aleemian Choir - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/competitions.asp?ID=221
(#) Quaestor's notes (#)
We got another member! Azreal has joined the growing house of Aleema! Yay! And another one who's done exams and got promoted fast. Both Exir and Azreal will surely be very active during their time in Aleema, as they know they will be rewarded :) Let them be an example of activness pays off! New years just around the corner... so to everyone... ENJOY THE LAST MOMENTS OF 2003, AND HAVE A GREAT FRESH 2004! For those who were less fortunate this year, let the next be filled with fortune!!
$$$ End of Report $$$
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto
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