House Marka Ragnos
Aedile Report
Hail Dark Brethen.
Woohoo, a layout :P Just don't jump on me for the email size :P Anyways, in this week I DO have few news to announce, happens rare but hey, I have my moments :P
Run on guys and gals. It goes great, really does, it ends up with the end of this year, so lets get hurry and finish it on time.
If you still haven't looked and seen my "review" of the episode one, take a look here:
It's 28th of Sec, and do you know what does that mean?! That only 3 days left to make your KMT submission for the month of December.
Don't forget about other than Run On Chaotic Venegance events, and participate!
Congrats to Manji on his promotion to Guardian!! Grats to Sildrin and GA on their Dark Crosses!
More stuff.
Weekly review of what was/is/should be done.
Epis Alex - Alive and doing fine
Epis Ghost Angel - Alive & active. Grats again on your well dserved award
Archpriest Iylan Kano - Come on, gimme some sign of life
Priest Kell Wraith - Awesome work as Tetrarch I must admit, keep it up and don't forget bout reports :)
Priest Sylph Kerridwen - Come out, come out, where ever you are.... :P Just contact with me please so I knew you're alive and still with us.
Dark Jedi Knight Sildrin Rys - Congrats on your medal Sil! Keep up the good work
Jedi Hunter Alex Feng Long - Alive and should work on getting the lightsaber... hint
Guardian Manji - Awesome activity, congrats on your promotion!
Guardian Pichpemmetonhet - I haven't heard from you for almost two weeks, and that cannot be. I also didn't hear you're on leave, so what's going on? Let me know or else we will be made to take other steps.
Protector Fahlen Diamondflame - something weird happened here, all of a sudden you disappeared from the roster... and I never get any info about it, so please contact either Janos or myself and let us know what happened.
Protector Lech - Let me know if you're alive.
Acolyte Artanis VII - Give me some sign of life. Reply either over the egroup or directly to me.
Acolyte Drev Dorzen - Same as above.
Acolyte Morden Arkaren - Same as above.
Acolyte Oolth Brandon - How about some writing for the run on ? :)
Acolyte Ramha Navue Panar - C'mon, gimme sign of life
Novice Ma'qoa - Same as above.
Novice Raka'l - Same as above.
Novice Sha'ando - Same as above.
Apprentice Michina - alive!!! Thanks Krath at least one active apprentice :P
Apprentice Myrianna - If you're still with us then reply to me.
Okay guys and gals, if I do not get any answer from the person I asked above, they are going to be AWOL'ed.
That's pretty much everything for now, feel free to message me with any problem you may have or whatever pops on your mind. Be well brethen.
KE Tissaya Luna Kor (Krath)/M:KHP-M:OHC-AED/Marka Ragnos of Naga Sadow
Eclectic Pedagog of Dark Jedi Meditation, ICQ & MSN Studies
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