Dark Voice #34


Dark Voice #34

Cyberguy should have it ready to go very soon. It has been Zipped and Shipped. Just check the link every once in awhile to see if the new one is here. Cyberguy is pretty fast I would not be surprised if it is very soon.

In this issue we have MANY interesting stories to share with you. Here is just one example from the story of the month by Jedi Hunter Wisal Pol-Jo;

Then an Imperial Star Destroyer exited hyperspace from behind them. It launched all its ties. They headed on a course, which, took them straight to the smuggler ship.
Wisal looked at Mara. Then the sound of laser fire filled the air. The ties where in range, they where in trouble. If they didn’t get out of there soon they would be destroyed. Then alarms filled the cockpit. The star Destroyer was in range. They heard the terrifying sound a turbolasers. The fire hit the ship. The ship shuck violently.

Wisal turned to Mara and shouted, “pull the damn lever.”
Then an explosion sound filled the cockpit. The shields where down.
The ship shuck again. The weapons where offline, next would be the engines……. (TO CONTINUE THIS EXCITING 21 PAGE STORY GO TO THE DARK VOICE)

We also have some great poems and graphics for you to check out. We are missing one thing this month SCREENSHOTS! Obbie’s where are you at, one submission to me would have got the screenshot of the month! Oh well, maybe next time. Don’t forget the great article by our staff writers; Anshar and Arcturus. Here is an excerpt from one of their articles entitled leaders.

That's what you're told in the Shadow Academy. If, in the event your
Phyle/House goes into low activity & decline, don't panic - plan. Anyone
who's holding a command position will know that this is easier said than
done. I'm a Tetrarch. My Phyle actually is decline. What do I do? I've tried
planning. I've tried panicking. Now what? No, I'm really asking. What do I

Also don’t forget the new comic section brought to you by none other then the famous, Rage Akaido. She has a great one this month about Message Board run-ons that I am sure many will relate to!

Well I have filled the DB News board with enough info for now. Don’t forget to keep on submitting I only gave out a little 37 medals for this month! Remember to follow the guidelines, I am looking forward to hearing from you.

KAP Korbane Ashoka

We are still looking for Staff Members to contribute to the DV on a monthly basis.
If you have questions, comments or concerns just e-mail me or post it in the comment section of this post.

I like the little teasers you give into the news :P And I hope many will read the DV :P Go CyberGuy Go :P

Hmm... I would do a monthly thing but it probably wouldn't always be the same :o)

I like the concept of DV teaser, but well some teasers on what images are in (if there are funny ones) should be listed next time perhaps. Maybe mostly 'The Chosen' should be highlighted in the teaser, but thats only an idea ;)

Don't you think your name is too short? :)

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