Sith Commander Report


Sith Commander Report

Well not much more to tell so far that has happened this week. I want every member of the Shadow Wraiths to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses], MSG me on IRC as EKDark, or IM me at NeoOmni so that I know you are alive and not ignoring me.

Activity: Because of holidays and those of you who have projects over the break I can understand a bit of lack of activity. But now everyone needs to come back in a bit more.

I have been taking up Skills of a Warrior and Blood Rites, congratulations again to Servius for being the only house Ziost Obelisk to take part in Blood Rites so far.

Odan: I have heard from you on IM so I know your alive, think you mentioned showing up at the Training Sessions so good job.

Servius: I heard from you too, you participated in Blood Rites but need a bit more participation too.

Everyone else: None of you have emailed me or MSGed me in IRC yet. You all need to participate more or at least contact me so I know you're participating.

I think thats everything so far and also remember we have #ShadowWraiths on IRC for you guys to use.

Hope everyone had a good New Year.

In Darkness


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