|*** QuAeStOr RePoRt FoR hOuSe AlEeMa ***|
3rd Jan 2004
(#) News Viewer (#)
~ On Monday, January 5th 2004 at 10:00 PM EST in #DB on IRC DGM Jac will be delivering the first State of the Brotherhood Address.
~ January KMTs are out!
(#) Aleema Info Line (#)
~ Competitions have ended and medals awarded
~ New CSK Competition starting up
(#) Aleema Stats (#)
%% Promotions %%
%% Medals %%
GRD M'Kel Kahn awarded Crescent with Amethyst Star for 1st Place in CSK Caption Competition
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star for 2nd Place CSK Caption Competition
APP Grail awarded Crescent with Emerald Star for 3rd Place (tie) CSK Caption Competition
ACO Exir Eveso Nah'Guna H'es Mas awarded Crescent with Sapphire Star for 1st place in "Allemian Riddle-Toad".
KAP Enahropes Teriad Entar awarded Crescent with Emerald Star for 2nd place in "Aleemian Riddle-toad"
%% Exams %%
%% Miscellaneous %%
(#) Report Stat (#)
RM Report: Done
AoD Report: Done
SoTN Report: Pending...
(#) Aleema Events (#)
(#) Quaestor's notes (#)
HAPPY NEW YEAR TO ALL! Well it's now 2004, and hopefully we'll get more :P Lame rhym... Well we got a few medals this week, which is good. Now there's more medals for those people to add to their medal case. Not many exams were done, but your did QUA have to turn on her brain to trail through an exam. Other than the medals and exam there wasn't much for this week. House Competitions have ended, but don't think you can rest for too long! A new CSK Competition is coming 'round the corner as she comes! yeehaa! She'll be coming 'round the corner as sh... yeah...
$$$ End of Report $$$
KP Selket KuroHyo Entar (Krath)/QUA/Aleema of Satal Keto
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