Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Yes indeedy, a whole week has passed already! I hope everyone had a safe New Year's and didn't get arrested. My dumb ass was driving around that night with outdated inspection tags, but it was all good =P

On to the good stuff:

-Pandragon Squadron has a new Commander. Congratulations to GRD Sykes! There were several qualified applicants, but Mage and I felt Sykes had the most to offer Galeres. Now with a full command staff, we're ready to move on into the new year.

-Monday night at 10:00 PM EST, DGM Jac will be addressing the entire Brotherhood in #db on the Undernet. It'll be recorded and posted, but this is shaping up to be something big so you don't want to miss it. I'll be there, and I'm sure others among the Clan Summit will be attending as well.

-The AWOL check is ongoing. Here's who I know is alive:

Me. d'uh. Mage. Kind of a given. Kosk, Sykes, and Xiphias. Gambit, Demos, and Phelan. Lex, Lil Hawk, and hopefully Peregryn. Dagger is exempted for the moment, and I imagine I will probably exempt Morth too, just cuz he's so cute when he's idling on IRC. If you aren't listed, and don't do anything about it, I'm going to throw you out of my House. Nifty, eh? And I apologize in advance if you're unlisted but should be... it's been a rough week.

-Galeres is in close third for the Obelisk Rite of Supremacy as of the last update, with 45 points. OP Koskian has contributed all those points, so big props to him! With a little help from everyone else, we can easily eclipse Taldryan and CNS (the current leader, who has us by 6 points <

ONE Jedi Knight win!) Matches can be found in #bloodrites on IRC. Platforms are JO, JA, JK1, and all other FPS/RTS games (seriously, like anything you can play another DB member with.) Info can be found at http://www25.brinkster.com/darkforge/ObeliskROS.htm

-The Sith Top Gun Tournament is still going on. Mail SWM Demosthenes ([Log in to view e-mail addresses]) if you're interested in flying to represent Gal. Also happening for Sith pilots are the Battle of Antei (Fri 10am-5pm EST) and Space Jam (Sun 1pm-5pm). Both competitions are being held every week in #sith and members of ALL Orders are welcome.

-Let's have a warm welcome for our newest member, APP Peregryn! We're back up to 25 members!

-Interclub Training on Saturday. It's starting to disgust me that Naga Sadow is getting props for ICTE and also winning the Rite of Supremacy... isn't that our job? :P Seriously, folks, the two things that will earn you big points in my book are recruitment, and (drumroll) playing Multiplayer. As far as I'm concerned ICTE and the Obelisk RoS are the two biggest things in the DB right now... so make me and Mage proud :P

Roster Changes:

-GRD Sykes promoted to Sith Commander (or, as the roster would have it, Obelisk Sergeant =P)

-APP Peregryn joins our ranks


-None. Maybe next week ;P


-OP Koskian received 4 CF's for his outstanding work in the RoS, and I'd imagine he has more coming to him. Keep it goin', Psyduck!

That's all from me for now... but before I go, which do you like better: blondes, brunettes, or walruses, and why? Or, what was the coolest thing that happened to you on New Years and/or Christmas?

Keep on rockin', guys!


DA Voranyen (Obelisk)/QUA/Galeres of Arcona

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