I hope everyone had a safe New Years. I didn't do anything besides stay up but that's normal for me. I start back to work tomorrow night, see my joy....
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
I've seen a few medals come to my inbox.
A Steel Cross went to Anshar and Dranik for their work with the SA. Great job guys!
Anshar was also awarded a Sapphire Star for taking first place in the Comic competition.
I've gotten way too many medals this week but I've been participating in stuff like crazy. I just wish that someone had participated in my Christmas competition so I could award medals. :(
Competition stuffs!!
As you all know I've put out a month long competition. I expect some people to participate in that. I'll also be putting out weekly competitions to go along with the main one. Remember that if you do not participate in anything within the phyle for two months I'll be forced to remove you.
I'll also be writing up some old history of our phyle to go along with the competition. It will include the history of the phyle from way back when it first started as the Wizards of the Crypt. If any of you older members wish to help I'll appreciate it.
CON Sith extended the end date of his Keepers Competition to the 15th of this month. If you haven't gotten around to participating in that please do so now.
I also saw I've had the wrong end date up for the Capital Gains competition. It really ends the 12th instead of the 6th. I'll get that changed right away. I'd crack the whip on this one but I've not written anything for it as of yet.
As always we have new KMTs out. They've been posted on the DB news page and can be found on the competition page of both the DB and our phyles website.
Question of the week.
If they call them Everlasting Gobstoppers, why do they always melt away?
An now for your moment of zen.
RollMaster Spears was standing up before the members of Gladius going through a rather long list of competitions when suddenly a book comes flying in from the hallway and hits him on the head. You and the rest of the house go to the hall to find out who had thrown the book. No one is there but another book and comes flying down the hall from the library. It zips into the meeting room and hits Spears on the head just as he was getting up from the last one.
The urge to know what was controlling these flying books leads you and the members of Gladius to the library. There standing on a table is one of Spears' lab rats. Somehow it was able to learn how to control the force and with a crazed look on its little face, was sending a constant stream of books to punish its captor. Everyone decides to back away and go about their business, including yourself.
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