My appologies for my abscence the last few days but I have come down with a rather nasty viral infection and may not be around much this coming week until I shake it off. I'm sorry in advance if this causes any inconvieniences.. anyway, on with the news.
Sith Website Updates
Despite my illness it has given me the chance to sit down and just drum some words out, so if you check the site out again at its temporary home of then you can see that the content is starting to fill up. By the end of this week we should have it fully operational... health permitting of course.
January Ladder
Just a reminder that with the start of the month comes the beginning of a new Ladder season. All TIE, XvT, XWA and SWGB matches are counted- all meaning any played either at Training Nights or at your own leisure in your free time. Please make sure to report all matches to my Praetor, [Log in to view e-mail addresses] giving him the general details of PINs, score and platform. Don't forget though that Sith Training Night matches are automatically counted, so you don't need to worry about reporting them.
On a side note, the December awards will be released soon, some form of mailing error got the results lost so my Magistrate is in the process of getting the details to the relevant party again. Providing my health doesn't fail me anymore than it already has, I'll try and make sure its done this week.
Crest of the Strategist
I'd like to appeal to all members for details on this medal, as it seems that none of us have really got any idea how it is suppossed to work. Neither myself nor the Chancellor are fully sure, so before I decide to scrap it and come up with more sensible attachments to the medal I thought it best to see if anyone can help us out first:
The Crest of the Stategist is the staple Dark Jedi Brotherhood award for mission creation. I assume this means TIE, XvT and XWA though there is no real reason why it cannot extent to SWGB, JK, JO and JA. At present the database allows the awarding of three types of Crest similar to the Cresent- these come in the form of Gold, Silver and Bronze Swords attached to it. So far we assume Gold was for a battle, Silver a mission and Bronze for testing- similar to the old Medal of Tactics- however I feel this is a somewhat limited approach.
So, putting the question to you, the members, do you like the medal? Do you know how it is intended to work, are we correct? Would you rather see a different system, perhaps incorporating more than just the XW games?
Thats all for this week, my appologies for the lack of developments but feeling as I do it is difficult enough currently to type, let alone do something that requires a lot of effort. Still, I hope to be better in a few days, so look forward to something more to report next week.
In Darkness,
High Warrior Zorrixor
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How about we extend the Crest to all games and make the color of sword dependent on the quality and scope of submission - thus an outstanding single mission/JO map could rate a gold as well while basic "shoot 40 X-Wings in the lowset time" skirmishes would rate as bronzes. Playtest work should usually merit bronze crests.
The thing is a battle/mission for the x-wing series is hellva lot easier than trying to make a mp map for JO/JA you'd have to give a bigger award to compensate for it :P
Exactly, which is why I feel it needs to have more than three levels to it, to account for the quality of the submission. I appreciate how a good JK level takes days, weeks, even months, whereas I could drum out a dozen XWA missions in an afternoon if I really wanted.