Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

The small Epis walked slowly in the halls of the Scholae Palatinae's headquarters, on Judecca. It was a very bright day on the planet, and it was also a new year. New year means new vision, new projects...new victories.

Numaril Asfågeln crossed two Obelisk guards and saluted them. They replied quickly, a bit confused by such demeanor from a Krath. The Krath Epis arrived at the meeting room, and waited for an answer, even if he didn't knocked or yelled his presence.

"You can enter, Quaestor." said a female voice. Arania.

"What news do you have from your House, Numaril?"

Yep, this is the report of Acclivis Draco!

House News

Well, I'm now the Quaestor of this House. I'm not looking for an Aedile now, as I have already someone in mind.

  • An AWOL check is going on. So far, these people have replied:

GRD Yun (I thought he was ACO...oh well, if you were promoted..congrats!)

GRD Jordan McKell

KP Rhaub D'ar Aghasett

GRD Kschamehellan

You're not there? Email me!

  • A House Competition is going on! You have to change the lyrics of a known song into Dark Brotherhood lyrics! The song is Blur - Song #2

If you need more information, contact me!

  • I'm trying to get registered on the damn Message Board, but so far I'm not able to. It will be resolved this week (or someone will pay for it).

Krath News

Yes, I know there are more orders, but if you want Sith or Obelisk news, just read the reports of my comrads! :D

Some competitions are running:

  • * NEW COMPETITION: A New Menace

Some time has passed since the Brotherhood moved to Antei. Now, far away from the Emperor's Hammer and the New Republic, a new threat rises over the Clans of the Dark Brotherhood, who have only recently strengthened their positions in their respective systems.

We'd like you to write a story (1 1/2 page TNR 12 minimum) about the new enemy of the Dark Brotherhood, as the two sides prepare for the upcoming conflict... The content of your entry is open to your own interpretation of the topic, but make sure that you not only tell an interesting story, but also cover basic issues such as what/who the new threat is, why they are a threat, and the response of the Brotherhood.

Competition closes 31st January, please send entries in .doc or .txt. (If we have some interesting entries, we may base future competitions around the 'new menace'. But this will be dependent on the suitability of the winning entries.)

Many thanks to Aragorn for this competition suggestion. We'll be co-grading the entries, so please submit them to both [Log in to view e-mail addresses] and [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • * Jan KMTs:

Story - Darkness

Interprete as you will :-) No length restrictions.

[NB Two-line submissions will, however, probably not place very highly :P]

Submit in .txt or .doc to me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Poem - Vengence

At least 2 pages 12 pt TNR or equivalent.

Submit in .txt or .doc to Vithril at [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • Lastly, this is an advance notice to TETs.

The office of the KHP, in conjunction with the office of the Oracle, is preparing to run an Inter-phyle competition. We hope to run it for approximately 4 weeks from the end of January (dependent on Trev's speed of response when he gets back from his LoA). It's aimed primarily at Krath phyles, but others can of course participate if interested. More information will follow towards the end of the month.

  • There's still the Antei Combat Center running in ! Go battle with your fellows!

  • There's also the Capital Gains! There's a submission so far, but I'd like to see more!


  • Someone was removed from the roster because he/she had an inactive email address.


  • None this week.

Final Words

Well, I'm satisfied about the number of replies to the AWOL Check so far - But I would really like to see more, specially from the DJK and higher.

The House is more alive than I have expected so far - Great, we will build something great soon.

Don't forget that communication is the key to keep people interested in the Dark Brotherhood. So talk!

Sure, IRC is the best way to do inane (and insane) chat, but ICQ, MSN, AIM, Yahoo Messanger, whatever is good too!

At worst, emails are fine!

That's the end of the report.

QUA/KE Numaril Asfågeln/ Acclivis Draco of Scholae Palatinae

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