Phew... after one week of solid, time-driven marking, we finally got there! I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the people who did marking for me. This was a mammoth task, and I want to take my hat off to those people that helped me get this out as quickly as I did.
I'd also like to extend my thanks to you guys who took part. The sheer number of submissions across the board were scarey, to say the least, and the quality was fabulous. You have so far made this War more than memorable... keep up the great work!
And right now, the results... you can find them here:
Small update on the MP - it should be out tonight. If, however, you don't have details by 5.30pm EST, then please assume it will be out tomorrow. I'm working against the clock to get this done at the moment.
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Just so we know: Who exactly was in the group of people that did the marking?
If you look on the GJW page, Jac, you'll see the emails of those responsible. It's mostly Mairin, the Order Leaders, etc.
I'd like to add my appreciation for the awesome work by all the Clans, and I hope that the tight race for supreme Clan is brought to a glorious conclusion.
I want to know why sith stuff is done by clan rather than individual
Rexal. It's quite simple really. The GJW is a test of the strength of the clans and teamwork.
It is hardly about individual strengths and personal gain/glory.
If you did exceptionally well in an event, you'll find out with a Nova of sorts in your mailbox one of these days. In the meantime, support your clan. Who cares who got the "top score" - after all, that's just a technicality.
I missed that when looking at it. Thanks for pointing that out. So Tronsta and Mai did all the marking?
I think he's more asking why everything BUT sith was done individualy...
That's actually a really legimitate question? Why were Sith results done by clan and not by individual?
Oriens Obscurum's score was probably hurt the most by it : (
I really hope it's not an average score of all submissions because that would be seriously gay.
Yeah, Rex was asking why Krath individual results were given, Obby individual results were given, but Sith individual results weren't given.
Quite the legitimate question...
I was asking people how the Sith were scored as well...can't quite figure it out entirely...but I do know it doesn't have anything to do with individual efforts, unlike a portion of the Krath and Obelisk marking. HOWEVER, some sort of individual effort should be recognized because unless I'm mistaken, first place and second place for every event get those lovely God and SIlver Nova's
Ah, Khobai. Eloquent as usual. Could you be a bit more offensive because I think you left out some other minorities who could use some good, old fashioned discriminatory hate?
Personally, I would like to see the entire individual scores for each event, like the top ten. That way, we can see how close the scores really were. And to see the actual submissions (particularly for the Krath) would be good, too.
Troutrooper, I'm obviously doing something right as a leader if Arcona is 1st place. So leave me to my expletives and derogatory comments.
They've certainly helped Arcona along thus far : )
Pyralis,.. your words sounds like the words of a father that havent enough money to buy the same toy to his 3 sons. he have enough for 2 , the last son only will receive an empty explanation about equality....
But in Siths words... "all names or no names...."
heh Hermann, that just when phhewwwwwwwwwwww... ::Kelric does a waving motion over his head:: I could decipher what you just wrote after staring at those 2 lines for 15 minutes. Anyone else catch his message?
This is cooool!
I just got back from my LoA and I notice that I'll get a BN :)
Uhm, Pyralis...
If what you are saying was true, then why were OBELISK AND KRATH AND GRAPHICS OPEN EVENTS all done by INDIVIDUAL effort, and not Clan?
That right there negates everything you just said. I think Mairin and Hades did it just to keep it "A Close War", screwing over a couple clans in the process. Thanks guys...
Yeah. I keep hearing all of the aces say that participation is worthless too. I suppose counting participation is screwing everyone over too, eh? Come on people, you KNOW who said it - defend your case and stop hiding in the dark. That way I can be reminded that 23/27 participating in the Sith events is really meaningless too. Heh. It all disgusts me. To quote a friend.... how "FICKLE" of the DB...
What I wonder is how Cyberguy can be in a Clan and at the same time DC member :P but thats propably just me :P
Participation isn't worthless, but what is being said is that if 2 of the orders were marked one way, why change it for the Sith? Why was it marked differently than the rest? One part of the points should be devoted to the participation side, while the other should be towards individual effort.
There was an agreement that I could stay in clan Arcona, till at least after the GJW.
Hades and I discussed scoring at some length prior to the War starting. We both came to the conclusion that a House average was probably the fairest way to score the Sith events.
Neither Krath, Obelisk, nor Open events lend themselves to House averages in the same way as Sith events do.
Mairin: Sorry but It isn´t by far.. more if you come and think that wasn´t explained to anyone.(At least our clan do not know that)
Take a look... we were first in Sith and was the worse "test of the strength of the clans and teamwork" (WTW this guy need to review some things).
I don't like the agreement about CG, he should have made a clone if he's wanted to stay in Arcona.. oh well...
About the scoring... if Sith are scored by participation, why aren't the Obies and Krath? Kinda weird to me to have different rules there.
This now something completely different but are the winning submissions for Krath and GFX shown one day to the public and if yes when and where? and if not why? I really would like to have a look at them and others for sure as well.