Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

TET Report

Seiryte Kaienn, Tetrarch of Exar’s Shadow in House Byss of Exar Kun, turned on his computer and prepared to look over the newest Phyle report. The screen flickered on, illuminating Seiryte’s face. Entering a series of commands, Guardian Kaienn opened the report.

Report #: 6

Date: January 8, 2003

Access Report? Yes


Access: Granted

PHYLE NEWS: Two competitions for Exar’s Shadow going on. All Apprentices should participate in the Shadow Academy to advance in rank. Not much going on. There are lots of things to do. Go out there and find something! If you have IRC, get on. Find me on #krath or #clanexarkun.

COMPETITIONS: Poetry of a fellow. I have gotten one entry for it. I am expecting ALL of you to participate, unless there is a very good reason behind not participating. Average day in Exar’s Shadow. No participants yet. Go to competitions page to see all other competitions that you can do.

ACTIVITY: There are several run-ons in the MB, you can get to work in the SA, and do competitions. The ACC is even available to ALL of you. Cipher, Mako, Imrahil, and I all have been active in the MB and IRC. Cinderella has been active in the SA.

PERSONAL NEWS: I am dreadfully sorry about missing the last several reports, but RL has been very hectic as of late. I am always open for questions. Email: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] I am currently writing a short ‘history’, that I will update more as I think of it, on Seiryte’s ‘split personality,’ Sephren Quinze. Will take some time to complete it though. I have created a family name along with PRT Mako, ACO Dante, and GRD Jyx from CSK. We are now the Zinor family. I would like to extend an invitation to anyone that would like to join. If you would, please contact me and Mako. Make sure that I get your request though.

ANTEI COMBAT CENTRE: Everyone that has battles going on, or that just finished some, let me know that way I am aware of who is using the ACC.


Signature: GRD Seiryte Kaienn, TET of Exar’s Shadow

End Report? Yes

Password For Storage?

Seiryte turned off the view screen and leaned back into his seat. His other ‘self,’ Quinze, was becoming stronger each day. Seiryte stood up and left his TET office. The lights flickered out, and the room went black…

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