A quick report from the HRLD office...
GoA Department
I have been getting a quite few blank e-mails with the subject being "Grant of Arms request from [Jedi Name Here]". I know this is the default when one clicks the link in their dossier. I usually send them the link to the form (use the one Mejas has up) but every once in a while I forget to send that info. Just to be safe, use the form. Sending a message to me can get lost.
Sharad Hett #115
Keiran Bryce #3298
Jaden #3704
Exodius #1845
Formal Apology
I must apologize to the Dark Council, especially Jac. I missed the meeting on Monday and I just feel awful. I really wanted to be there but I got swept up in other (RL) things and before I knew it the time had slipped away.
On top of that it seems my mail server has been bouncing people's mail, mostly people in the DC. I don't really know why that's been happening other than my mail server might have been full at the time.
SPAM Chuckle
If you've ever doubted the existance of spam sent to you as a result of being featured on this site, let me assure you it happens. I received a few earlier this week that were 'personalized' and addressed to "Kaine" and "Mr. Mandaala" - obviously generated from DB ties since my real name is not even close to "Kaine Mandaala".
I got a laugh and hit DELETE.
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Just finished another two for this week:
NexusMage #3591
Tom Gilbert #355
I also get e-mails like "darkjedibrotherhood.org" upgrade.
And other stuff.
It's too funny :-P