Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

|*** QuAeStOr RePoRt FoR hOuSe AlEeMa ***|

10th Jan 2004

(#) News Viewer (#)

~ For Those Who Have Served With Loyalty… SO Gord Darkonian Satal and KE Dalthid Satal for they are Scions de Satal

~ SO Gord Darkonian awarded the Ruby Scepter

(#) Aleema Info Line (#)

~ New Member!

~ Master/Student Program running

~ CSK Competitions are going http://www.darkjedicrypt.com/Competitions/djcnewcompetitions.htm

(#) Aleema Stats (#)

%% Promotions %%

  • GRD M'Kel Kahn to JH

  • PRT Jyx Zirv to GRD

  • APP Grail to NOV

  • KP Selket KuroHyo Entar tp KAP

%% Medals %%

  • DJK Shadow awarded Cluster of Fire x 2 for Victories/matches in the Tuesday Showdown for 1/6/04

%% Exams %%

  • KP Ziltopia IRC Channel Operator Exam, MSN Messenger Exam, IRC Basics Exam

%% Miscellaneous %%

  • APP Kacin to House Aleema!

(#) Report Stat (#)

RM Report: Done

AoD Report: Done

SoTN Report: Done

(#) Aleema Events (#)

(#) Quaestor's notes (#)

Wow... this week was big! First with all these promotions, then the Master/Student Program. And to add we had exams, medals and a new member! I am very happy with the house for the previous week, and i hope that the next week will be just as good! So give youself a pat on back, you all did well!

$$$ End of Report $$$

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