Consul Report


Consul Report

Taldryan CON Report 1-11-04

Ok folks its official, I’m back at school which means I’m back to DB stuff full time! Well full time minus the time when I’m at class, or doing homework, or out with friends…but still, a lot of time! So lets get to the rest of the report!

Oh, and the two MOST IMPORTANT parts of my report I’ll summarize here. If you haven’t yet, WRITE FOR CAPITAL GAINS AND SUBMIT BEFORE MONDAY AT MIDNIGHT EST!!!! Arcona is catching up to us, and we don’t want that, so take a few minutes to write a 1 page submission and send it to Mav ASAP!!

The other most important part…PLAY MATCHES FOR THE RoS!!

(Sorry for the caps, but some people just skim my report and don’t read it, so I figure that might attract their attention)

DB News

-I hope a lot of you came out for DGM Jac’s “State of the Brotherhood” address, it was very interesting! If you weren’t there, you can see a log of it here:

-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is going strong!! Current parts of the competition include JK, JO, and JA Individual and Team ladders, as well as Guild and other game matches. For full details see the RoS website, this can be found here:

Last update I got, these were the scores:

Clan Naga Sadow: 376

Taldryan: 328

Tarentum: 288

Keep it up, we can still win it!!

-Mav has started a new DB-wide competition, in which each we can obtain some more ships for our fleet! BUT, for that to happen, there has to be a LOT of participation from all of you in the fiction part of the competition (I’m looking at you guys in Ektrosis! And Dinaari I know you like to write too). So read up on the competition here:

The second portion of this comp has started, so everyone start writing!! All submissions are due by January 12th!!!


Remember, it only has to be 1-page long in size 12 Times New Roman font!

-The deadline for the Combat Master’s cooperative ACC competition, the “Challenge of Ashvroth”, is January 20th, so make sure you get your battles completed by then!

-Mav has released the Brotherhood’s Order of Battle! This contains a list of every capital ship in the Brotherhood and Clans fleets, with great graphics too! Check it out here:

-The Justicar issued a statement regarding behavior in #db. While I know its not Taldryan members that usually cause any trouble, just try to watch what you talk about, and attempt to keep conversations appropriate!

-If you have an idea on what to name the Krath Order command-ship (that you can find in the new Order of Battle!), email the KHP with your idea!

-The Krath Monthly Topics for January are “Darkness” and “Vengeance”, see for all the details. The KHP is also running another competition named “A New Menace”, where you write about a new enemy of the DB (I like this one, and I’ll be submitting myself, you should too, its a great topic!) Remember, ALL orders can submit to these competitions!

-The ACC is running smoothly!! To go check it out and get started on participation, go to I’m a member, so if you join you will be able

to fight me!!

-- Weekly Multiplayer Competitions –

Members of ALL orders are welcome at all of these weekly Multiplayer competitions, and you are welcome to play ANY game platform sanctioned by the Brotherhood (i.e. JK, JO, JA, XvT, XWA, and SWGB). Cluster of Fire medals will be given out for every 1 victory or 3 losses, and the player with the most wins for each event also receives a Crescent! These events are great ways of staying active while honing your skills and earning medals all at the same time!!

-“Tuesday Showdown” in #gmrg from 2-10pm EST

-“Thursday Night Bash” in #obelisk from 6-10pm EST

-“Battle of Antei” in #sith on Fridays from 10am-5pm EST

-“Interclub Training Event” (ICTE) on Saturdays at 4pm in #Outerrim

-“Space Jam” in #sith on Sundays from 1-5pm EST

-For more news you know where to go, the Main DB News page, found at:

Taldryan News

-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy continues, so all you Dinaari folk get out there and start playing, so we can hold our title as First House of the Obelisk!! Dinaari currently holds the lead, so let’s keep it up guys!

-CAPITAL GAINS!!! Clan Arcona is catching up to us, we need more submissions! (I’m looking at you House Ektrosis!) Any information you need is on the Taldryan Message Board and website, and I’ll probably mail it out again soon. The deadline is January 12th (that’s only 7 days away!). Now I mentioned House Ektrosis because they are the main fiction authors of the Clan, but I also would like to see participation from House Dinaari as well, remember it only has to be 1 page long, that’s easy! So send me more submissions!

-House Ektosis has a few competitions going on right now, they include:

“Hymns of the Brotherhood”

“Character Development Extravaganza”

And don’t forget the January KMTs, those are good topics to write on too!

-The Taldryan JO server is still up and running! The IP Address is “”, and the Password is “Talpwnz”, get out there and play!


APP Baelon Qui`lon to Dinaari

APP Tiberius to Dinaari

Welcome to Taldryan guys!


Fet’ai’narun – Crescent

Awarded for: Mav’s Resolutions Comp

Dask_k – Cluster of Fire (4), Crescent

Awarded for: Tuesday Showdown, Dark Jedi Holiday Comp

Kaetaal – Crescent, Cluster of Fire (4)

Awarded for: Tuesday Showdown

Kir – Crescent (3), Cluster of Fire (5)

Awarded for: Tuesday Showdown, ”One for a Million” comp, Dec KMT

Benevolent – Crescent

Awarded for: “Test of Kill” Comp

Octavian – Crescent

Awarded for: Dark Jedi Holiday Comp

Shaithis – Crescent, Cluster of Fire (16)

Awarded for: Dark Jedi Holiday Comp, RoS

Swiper – Cluster of Fire (2)

Awarded for: RoS

Sharad – Cluster of Fire (2)

Awarded for: RoS

Shadow – Cluster of Fire (15)

Awarded for: RoS

Wolf – Cluster of Fire

Awarded for: RoS

Quarmador – Dark Cross

Awarded for: MB presence

Apoc – Crescent

Awarded for: Dec KMT

Holechest – Crescent

Awarded for: Dec KMT

Nexusmage – Crescent

Awarded for: Dec KMT

Great job getting lots of medals everyone!


PRT Nexusmage to GRD

ACO Eros to PRT

ACO holechest to PRT

ACO Dask_k to PRT

APP Vodo Biask to NOV

Congratulations on your promotions guys!

-If you ever need to see an old CON report, all of mine are up on!

That’s all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, I’m logged on quite often!

Dark Brotherhood –

Clan Taldryan -

Antei Combat Center –

Message Boards -

Shadow Academy -

Dark Side Compendium -

Summit Members –

CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

PCON Freshjive ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari QUA Shaithis “Qiao Long” Var’rek ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Dinaari AED Valfore Crix “Uberman” Madine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis QUA Shadow Virus ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Ektrosis AED Mal’ari’carun ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])

Cohors Praetoria Taldryan – Dask_k and Apoc

In Darkness,

KE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan [ACC:F]



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