Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report

It's not been a good week for me. If you didn't know, I work at night and outside. I think I froze some brain cells and injured my feet for sure. On the plus side I get a promotion soon.

Phyle happenings and gossip!!

Ok if you read the house report that's out then you know an inter-house competition is in the works. Sounds like fun to me >:)

I didn't have any medals besides some for myself come through this week. If only my job would reward like the DB does. I'd be a GrandMaster with enough medals to make my own SSD.

There should be some medals to hit three peoples inbox.

Kudos won first place in my last weekly competition. I'll work his description of our meeting room out a bit and put it up on the website. It was really cool open ended story that left me wanting more!

Anshar came in second. I loved his view of how our meeting room should be. It was so warm, laid back, and comfy.

Dranik took third. I loved his dark view of our meeting room. It was a bit sinister and creepy. Way cool!

Speaking of medals, seems Sith decided I deserved a Sapphire Blade for all the work I've done in the past and present. The strong point being this Phyle. All I can say is this medal belongs to you all. You've been a great bunch of people and the real driving force to this Phyles' success. I can't thank you enough for all the work you guys have done for me.

Competition stuffs!!

If you are into anagrams then you should swing by the DB page or the phyles' competition page (soon as I get it updated for the week) and check out this months anagram challenge. I have no clue how to do them but I know I wouldn't be able to do much with it even if I understood what to do. Letters, numbers, it all gets jumbled up in my brain :)

The Capital Gains competition ends later today. I've sent in my submission, how about the rest of you? I made sure to ask which ship we are suppose to write about. That would be the Bulk Cruiser and the GalloFree Transport. News of this change changed my story but I still managed a five pager, well four and a half.

Two other competitions end this week. The Quest for the Keepers competition and the Flags, Flags, Flags competition. These two have been going for a while now so I hope everyone has submitted who is going to submit. Now I get out the boot to kick myself into getting my flag submission in.

Other than those mentioned...Oh wait I have one more. My competition for this week. Have some dark and painful fun with this one >:) Details are below!

Title: Phyle Initiation


Describe how new members are initiated into the phyle.

Start Date: 1/12/2004

End Date: 1/18/2004

Unit in Competition: Battle Team Keepers of the Night


1st Emerald Star

2nd Topaz Star

3rd Quartz Star

Question of the week.

How can some product kill bugs dead and are they trying to say there is some sort of killing bugs live?

An now for your moment of zen.

Telona once again showed her grace and power earlier today. While in the mess hall sipping a fruity juice and lightly reading some news you observe someone walking up to the woman. She was so enthralled by what she was reading she didn't notice the person coming up behind her. He tapped her shoulder and the show began.

Like a startled cat, she flew up into the air. Her chair slammed back into the member who tapped her shoulder, he should be awake by now, and her knees tore through the table before sending it flying a few feet. Her cup ended up in pieces, her drink splattered on the wall and her datapad in your hands. Telona herself ended up on her stomach on the floor, breathing hard after being startled so.

What had held her attention so much? You'll never know because the datapad had holes in it where her fingers had gone through. Nothing remained on what was left of the screen.

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