The Chancellor Chronicle
Alright, well, a brief update on they Chancellor's office. First off, I haven't been around much lately due to a few things going on at college. The first is that I just joined a fraternity, Sigma Phi Epsilon, and have been doing a lot of things with my new brothers. Second, I have a new romantic interest here on campus, so that's also been keeping me busy. ;)
Anyway, on to what YOU care about, the DB-related things. The Chancellor's office has been running smoothly - I've still been logging in at least once per day to approve medals, if not more, and I know my Praetor, Xuthles, has been logging in a LOT frequently to make sure the medals are flowing smoothly. Thanks Xuthy! Here are some of the notable awards given recently:
Sapphire Blade awarded to Anshar Khan of Tarentum
Sapphire Blade to Erryc Lasitter of Exar Kun
Sapphire Blade to Telona Murrage Tarentae
Next, I've posted a new medal guide for the Brotherhood. Starting after this report, I will be pretty stringent about some of the guidelines. One such thing I will be enforcing will be "Decent grammar and appropriate capitalization." You are reccomending a medal to reward someone for their efforts - they deserve the tiny bit of effort it takes to put in a comma or tap the shift key. If you have problems with this or need help because English is your second language, just let me know and I'll do my best. This new guide can be found at . I'm hoping to have it included in the DSC at some point in the future.
That's all for me - have a good week!
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<3 flesh!
ya <3 Flechy, now Flechy go pull a Shadow on girly friend :P
Maybe I've been off IRC too long...a Shadow? =P