Proconsul Report


Proconsul Report

Aaah.. report time again. Activity to talk about again. Especially the activity of Dorimad Sol, or rather of two members from there, for the Obelisk RoS. Phoenix and Magus managed to get us in front of Arcona, and they are out to hunt CSK down, too. That is pretty impressive from only two members! Now, if more would jump in, this would help a lot, even if you keep losing (just don’t lose to CSK lol).

For his efforts, Phoenix got a well deserved SC. Congrats. I’m sure you’ll rack up more awards in short.

There were more awards, too. Aghasett got a Saphire Crescent for winning the New Year Competition. Yay! And myself, I got a Sapphire Crescent for 2nd place in the Tuesday Showdown, and all in all 8 CFs for different MP comps.

Varis did two Krath tests, CORE (and helped me to eliminate a few errors from that one, too) and Test of Skill. Well done. He also did the required „History before you entered the DB“ story towards his next promo.

We’ve had a few more last minute Capital Gains submissions (McKell and Deathdealer). Thanks. The proceedings on this you’ll hear about in not too long a time. Oh yeah, McKell has also done the HAD "A Day in the Life of“ competition. Wich is still running btw, so get to it, folks :o)

Another comp for the whole Clan is still the Where’s Exodius, which has a winner but no runner ups yet. And there’s the Rename the Nona thingy as well. Good activity for both, it looks like.

Has no one done the Darkness KMT yet, or the A New Menace competition? Booo... oh,dang, haven’t yet either. But I’ll at least do the Darkness one, I have the perfect idea for that one.

Other things that happened this week were the return of Karva to HAD, and Deathdealer to HDS. APP Resan Ogni and APP Humhai'raak joined us as well. Did I forget anyone?

HAD has a M/S program again (no, not S/M, tsk tsk). It may be that quite a few of the students will be AWOLed anyway if they don’t reply soon, but we hope this will get them out of their holes. After the initial group of students, we will return to the one Master – one Student thingy. If you have trouble with the set ups, contat Kschamehellan. It will be worked out. And yeah, HDS will get a M/S program, too, so be patient :o) It will be ready soon.

All the Krath who have not done so yet, please log in into the DB database (whenever it’s up again) and vote for a name for the Krath flagship. Best if you vote #1 ;)

As you may have noticed, reading the domain every now and then has some advantages. It means I won’t have to copy every announcement into the reports, and thus you won’t see the report, faint from shock and, after recovery, won’t be able to find the important, clan relevant info. So, at least once a week, best around report time, you should check it out. It helps all of us if the members stay informed about current events and future happenings.

That’s it for now... heck, I am thinking of turning to bi-weekly reports if shorter reports mean everyone will actually read them :o)

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