Commander of the Guard Report


Commander of the Guard Report

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This will be the news from the past two weeks, since I was late reporting, and the database decided to go down when I was about to meh :P I'd just like to say thankyou again to Cybey, Jam3z and Jac for all of their hard work in getting the database up and running again. And a big thanks to CoFo for keeping the website going all these years.

*Grand Masters Royal Guard: *

The month is almost up, which means that it's about time to see who's been a good boy and girl. Also, I will be sending out invitations this week. There are a number of people who I've been keeping an eye on, and are more than ready to join the group. I'll also be trying to update the op/voice list in #gmrg. All information on both the guard and guilds can be found in the Dark Side Compendium. Everything is currently up-to-date, so please go here to find out more.


I had chosen a Praetor last week, but now I'll finally be able to officially announce it. A big congrtulations go out to Arania! Also, for all of his hard work towards the GMRG in general, I have given a magistrate position to Lenzar as well! Congrats to both.


A bit of news this week from the Guilds. The Diablo 2 Guild is in jeapordy of being removed, while a few others will have fallen away as well. I also urge everyone to go to this MB topic and post a reply.

DB Player's Association (SWG) - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)

  • There has been a lot of activity lately coming from the DBPA. A great time for people to join up! Positions have been filled up within the DBPA hierarchy, and activites are being planned. An effort to budget the DBPA has also been started, with monthly payments coming from the DBPA members to help with upkeep. Also, from my knowledge, the game is onto its next chapter. Great job by Kelric and the gang!

Diablo 2 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)

  • Mav doesn't have the time anymore, and I'm not sure if there's any interest in it anymore. I will be seeing this week if there is any. If not, this will be removed as a guild.

WarCraft 3 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • Nothing new this week...I will be removing this from the list next week if I don't here anymore news, even though I know of a couple of people still playing it.

Tony Hawk's Underground - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • This is the first non-PC game looking for interested members. The version being used is the PS2 one, with online playability, so if you're interested let Cannabisia know.

MechWarrior - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • Khobs is trying his hand at a new guild, and this one dealing with the MechWarrior games. More specifically, this guild would support the 3 standalone Mechwarrior 4 games as well as the Mechwarrior 3 game and it's expansions. Mail Khobs with your interest.

SOCOM - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

  • This is the second non-PC games looking for members, and once again, the platform used is the PS2. Sykes is looking for members you play SOCOM 1 or 2 online. If interested, please get in contact with him.

New Competition:

I have just received an e-mail from the Imperial Ground Forces(IPF) inviting us, along with other clubs, to a JA competition. It is being hosted on Battlestats, but matches will take place on IRC, meaning most of you who have JA should be just fine with that :P Details below.

Time: February 6th - 13th

Place: in #IGF-invite


Game: Jedi Academy

More information:


The JK WoW was a bust, but hopefully one day some of you will come out. There are still clubs who do battle. This week, the XvT and JA WoWs are currently going on, however, both will be finishing up in less than an hour. I apologize for not promoting these sooner. Alot of things just got in the way. I am however hapy to report that we have actually placed in the JA WoW, so good job to those that have played matches there :) However, noone managed to make it out to the XvT WoW. However, the XWA WoW will be starting Friday afternoon. I hope that many of you will try and make it out there. You can find the details here.

CoG Site:

Been busy with some other duties, but I hope to get something done this week at least

Event Center

I've updated everything but the WoWs for January, and I'll be starting on February shortly.

**Weekly Competitions:

** I've decided to use this section to list all of the various weekly competitions we currently have going on at the moment. I will add/edit/delete competitions as things change, so you can look here every week and know it's updated. Most of the competitions this week have been on the slow side, so I urge members to continue to come out. With our new allies from FES, the ICTE should be picking up. Great job Mav on getting them as allies!! Below is all the relevant information for the competitions.

Inter-Club Training Event

Time: Saturday at 4pm EST

Place: #outerrim

Host: Mav

Space Jam

Time: Sunday from 1-5pm EST

Place: #sith

Host: Rekio

Tuesday Showdown

Time: Tuesday form 2-10pm EST

Place: #gmrg

Host: Halcyon/Lenzar

Thursday Bash

Time: Thursday from 6-10pm EST

Place: #gmrg

Host: Arania

Battle of Antei

Time: Friday from 10am-5pm EST

Place: #sith

Host: Lenzar


T he Skills of a Warrior competition is still going strong (and will be for quite some time :P). I urge all Clan leaders to tell their members about this competition. It is a good way to be active and earn a CF if they have some free time and are bored. I have also heard of some problems with the competition (mostly because of downloading the maps and such). I will be seeing how we can resolve any of this. If anyone has any probelsm with this competition, please mail myself or Arania, and we shall try and address them. Also, I have a few other ideas that branch off from this competition. However, for all of the information, please go HERE. The website for this can be found at

Other Stuff:

Well, I actually managed to get some work done, but I haven't been around IRC lately. That's because the time I'd normally be on IRC I'm instead spending on KOTOR. I've passed once on the light side, and now I'm trying it on the dark side. So much better being bad :P. Lyrics are below, and remember to get that comment in first

Lyrics of the Week: (Last week's winner: N/A)

When we were young the future was so bright

The old neighborhood was so alive

And every kid on the whole damn street

Was gonna make it big and not be beat

In darkness,

SO Halcyon (Sith)/COG/Dark Council [GMRG: CoG]

The Offspring
The Kids Aren't Alright

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