Another report from your favorite DC member with the super-long name and super-short reports.
We've been getting quite a few stray GoA Requests. Just as a reminder, for all GOA Requests, updates and new requests alike, "Use the form, Luke."
The HRLD Office is preparing for a major overhaul in the next few months. More to come...
SPAM is at a medium level for me this month. If you send me anything it may get lost, unless you put "DB FEEDBACK" or "HRLD" in the subject. I have a few rules set up to catch most of the DC mail, the GoA mail, and my Praetor/Magistrate mail, as well as a rule to catch mail with either of the previous phrases.
I'd like to get into playing a regular game of JO or JA. I may host a comp for it once a week. I'm not partial to either... JO has the cool KM skin, but JA has the dual sabers and the cool Hoth board.
Oh, and your HRLD is way too much of a do-gooder.
Oh yeah - my sig image isn't working all of a sudden...
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