Taldryan CON Report 1-25-04
Well, sorry about my unexpected LoA the last two days, but some of my friends from out of town and stayed with me, so I had to entertain them. So, lots of news this week and Ill get going on that now, read up!
DB News
-The ACC has undergone a complete revamp! There are lots of new features and a completely new site design, so go check it out and start some matches! (it has the same URL as the last site)
-The Chancellor has added a new upgrade to the Cluster of Fire multiplayer medal. The Blue Flame upgrade shall be awarded after receiving 10 CFs, so now you dont have to wait until 25 CFs before you get an upgrade!
-The Lord Chamberlain announced a new Ally for the DB last week; we are now allied with the Force Elite Soldiers (FES). They will be at the ICTEs from now on playing matches, so there will be more people to play against now!
-Clan Scholae Palatinae has a new Consul, and it is Krath Epis Numaril Asfågeln.
-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy is going strong!! Current parts of the competition include JK, JO, and JA Individual and Team ladders, as well as Guild and other game matches. For full details see the RoS website, this can be found here:
The scores havent been updated in a long time, so were not completely sure but we think Dinaari is still in the lead!
-All of those Capital Gains submissions you sent in are currently being judged. First the will be read over by the Clan judges, who will pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the Clan. Then theyll be sent to the DB judges to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the entire DB. Look for results around the week of February 3rd!
-The Combat Masters cooperative ACC competition, the Challenge of Ashvroth has ended, and five of the people who placed were from Taldryan! These members include: Shadow, Sharad, Shaithis, Dark Sabre, and Kir.
-The Justicar issued a statement regarding behavior in #db. While I know its not Taldryan members that usually cause any trouble, just try to watch what you talk about, and attempt to keep conversations appropriate!
-The Krath Monthly Topics for January are Darkness and Vengeance, see djb.org for all the details. The KHP is also running another competition named A New Menace, where you write about a new enemy of the DB (I like this one, and Ill be submitting myself, you should too, its a great topic!) Remember, ALL orders can submit to these competitions!
-The ACC is running smoothly!! To go check it out and get started on participation, go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/. Im a member, so if you join you will be able
to fight me!!
Weekly Multiplayer Competitions
Members of ALL orders are welcome at all of these weekly Multiplayer competitions, and you are welcome to play ANY game platform sanctioned by the Brotherhood (i.e. JK, JO, JA, XvT, XWA, and SWGB). Cluster of Fire medals will be given out for every 1 victory or 3 losses, and the player with the most wins for each event also receives a Crescent! These events are great ways of staying active while honing your skills and earning medals all at the same time!!
-Tuesday Showdown in #gmrg from 2-10pm EST
-Thursday Showdown in #gmrg from 6-10pm EST
-Battle of Antei in #sith on Fridays from 10am-5pm EST
-Interclub Training Event (ICTE) on Saturdays at 4pm in #Outerrim
-Space Jam in #sith on Sundays from 1-5pm EST
-For more news you know where to go, the Main DB News page, found at:
Taldryan News
-Last week I mentioned that during the week I would be releasing details on the Super-secret CON project, and on Wednesday I did so! Now I hope you all read over the website and know the details of Operation: Continued Dominance. This Clan-wide competition officially started on Saturday, so start sending those submissions in! There are LOTS of awards to be earned, and TONS of events to participate in, so get going!
Details can be found here:
-Another big website announcement this week! A new section has been added to the main section, entitled Competitions. When you click on this section all the current competitions available for Taldryan members to participate in are listed, along with descriptions, deadlines, and times. This includes all the weekly Multiplayer events, as well as all other normal competitions. I will keep this list updated, so it is the BEST reference for Taldryan members who are looking for competition information! (HUGE props to Sharad for coding all these changes in the site!)
-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy continues, so all you Dinaari folk get out there and start playing, so we can hold our title as First House of the Obelisk!! Dinaari currently holds the lead, so lets keep it up guys!
-House Ektrosis has the Character Development Extravaganza competition going on right now, and dont forget the January KMTs and the A New Menace competitions; those are good topics to write on too!
-The Taldryan JO server is still up and running! The IP Address is, and the Password is Talpwnz, get out there and play!
APP Requite'deSaiah to Dinaari
Welcome to Taldryan!
Dark Sabre Crescent (2), Dark Cross, Cluster of Fire (9)
Awarded for: WoW Matches, Ashvroth
Kir Crescent (2), Cluster of Fire (11)
Awarded for: Ashvroth, Tuesday Showdown, Space Jam, ICTE
Shaithis Crescent
Awarded for: Ashvroth
Sharad Crescent
Awarded for: Ashvroth
Shadow Crescent, Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: Ashvroth, ICTE
Dask_k Cluster of Fire (2)
Awarded for: Tuesday Showdown, Space Jam
Benevolent Cluster of Fire
Awarded for: ICTE
Wolf Cluster of Fire
Awarded for: ICTE
Good work everyone, especially Dark Sabre who got 12 medals in one week!
ACO Baelon Qui`lon to PRT
ACO Fet'ai'narun to PRT
APP Lotus Gi to NOV
APP Requite'deSaiah to NOV
Congratulations on your promotions!
-If you ever need to see an old CON report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, Im logged on quite often!
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/
Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html
Dark Side Compendium - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/dsc/index.html
Summit Members
CON Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Freshjive Taldrya ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Shaithis Qiao Long Varrek ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED Valfore Crix Uberman Madine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Shadonyx ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Malaricarun ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Benevolent Whiner and Quarmador
In Darkness,
KE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan [ACC: PF]
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