Members of Gladius,
The time has come for my first report as Quaestor. These should come out every week about this time. I like to keep these as short as possible and to the point, so, without further delay.
Promotions, Medals/Awards, and the SA
- JH Dranik was awarded a Crescent w/Ruby Star, a Dark Cross, and 18 CFs for his participation in the JA Week of War. He also passed the PHP I course.
- Kujha was promoted to NOV
- Zhada was promoted to GRD
- Spears was promoted to KP
- I was awarded a Crescent w/Sapphire Star, a Dark Cross, and 8 CFs for my participation in the JA Week of War. I also passed the IRC basics course.
Missing People- the following members are missing (I can't get in touch with them). If anyone knows them in RL, or another way to get in touch with them, please let me know or talk to them yourself. I'd hate to have to flush them from the House if I didn't need to:
- NOV Alttari ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
- DJK Jaya Cypher ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
- ACO Kaze Paladin ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])\
- In the Shadows, pt. 1: Someone or something has infiltrated the Gladius base. The participants shall write a short story around this, but leave it open-ended to start a run-on. They should describe what the initial actions of the infiltrator (leaving him/her/it unidentified) are and how it affects the House. The winning submission shall be used to start a run-on on the House MB in which the identity and motive of the infiltrator will be revealed.
The entry should be close to a page at minimum, but should not exceed 2 pages. Entries need to be in 12 pt. Font (TNR, Arial, or Courier). Send to KE Anshar Kahn. Ends on Feb. 1, 2004.
2. Gladius Filk- Create a anthem for Gladius, either serious or funny, or both. KAP Jason Hunter is running this one and it ends Jan. 31, 2004.
Phyle News, in brief.
- Keepers of the Night- Inter-phyle whodunnit? competition, as well as the phyle game room competition (due Feb. 1, 2004). Telona's report has more details.
- Mystics of the Black Arts- Inter-phyle whodunnit? competition, as well as 2 phyle competitions: Night of a Thousand Nerfs (due Jan. 31, 2004- by the way, nerf arrows hurt when you get shot in the eye) and Asylum Entrance (due Jan. 31, 2004). Spear's report has more details.
Participation and NEW HOUSE REWARD SYSTEM!!!
- Both phyles and the House now have concurrent participation policies. You need to participate in a comp, or pass an SA course, at least every 1-2 months. Phyle participation counts for the House.
- GJW- Participation is expected in this event, which should be out mid to late February.
- Finally, House Gladius has a new reward system (approved by the CON and the CHAN). This is meant to reward those small things that many people do, but alone aren't enough for a DC or something like that. Letters of Commendation will be handed out (by the QUA, AED, and TETs) and once you earn 5, they get traded in for a DC. Your count will return to 0 and you'll start over again. It may not seem like much, but they add up and can be handed out for just about anything.
So, the first recipient of one of these Letters (and thus on the road to a shiny new DC) will be the first person to tell me the new participation policy for House Gladius as a whole.
House Gladius, we are the best Krath House. We're here to have fun, and what better way than to be the best of the best? I have faith in every one of you and I want to see this House grow even stronger!
In darkness,
KE Anshar Kahn
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