<head> <title>CoG Report</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" /> </head>
Yay News! :P Actually a few thing to talk about, so read on.
*Grand Masters Royal Guard: *
Firstly, we have had a number of elevations in the GMRG. A BIG congratulations go out to Bane, Lenzar and Strategos on achieving the rank of Gladiator! Also, I have gotten off my lazy arse and finally given Tissaya the rank of Sovereign Protector! We have also welcomed a number of new members: Kaiann, Vally, Phoenix, Dask_k, Shadow Warrior and Kir! We have also lost a couple of members to various reasons, and my be losing some more by the time next week rolls around. I am however quite happy with how things are going, and I think my new staff will be able to make it even better.
All information on both the guard and guilds can be found in the Dark Side Compendium. Everything is currently up-to-date, so please go here to find out more.
New Competition:
T he Imperial Ground Forces(IPF) have invited us, along with other clubs, to a JA competition. It is being hosted on Battlestats, but matches will take place on IRC, meaning most of you who have JA should be just fine with that :P Details below.
Time: February 6th - 13th
Place: irc.holonet.org in #IGF-invite
Servers: http://www.darkjedi.org/club/IGF/server/
Game: Jedi Academy
More information: http://www.battlestats.com/games/ja/war/info/?war2354
A bit of news this week from the Guilds. The Diablo 2 Guild may still be alive. There is a potential new leader for the Guild, and there is still interest in the game from its members, so we will see how this goes. Cannabisia is no longer looking for members in a Ton Hawk's Underground guild. There wasn't any realy interest in one. However, look for a Final Fantasy Guild from him in the near future. There is also a new guild looking for members, so read below!. I also urge everyone to go to this MB topic and post a reply.
DB Player's Association (SWG) - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)
Diablo 2 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses] (Up and running)
WarCraft 3 - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Freelancer - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
MechWarrior - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
SOCOM - [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
The XWA WoW was a bust, but hopefully one day some of you will come out. Although there are no WoWs this week, next Friday is the start of the JO WoW. I hope to see many of you out there, playing for the DB!!
CoG Site:
Been busy with some other duties, but I hope to get something done this week at least
Event Center
Updating February this week.
**Weekly Competitions:
** A fairly good week for the various competitions. People seem to be coming out more often, and I urge that everyone continues to do so. I will be mailing the various competition hosts, so that we can have a small set of standards to be used in all weekly competitions.
Inter-Club Training Event
Time: Saturday at 4pm EST
Place: #outerrim
Host: Mav
Space Jam
Time: Sunday from 1-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Rekio
Tuesday Showdown
Time: Tuesday form 2-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Halcyon/Lenzar
Thursday Bash
Time: Thursday from 6-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Arania
Battle of Antei
Time: Friday from 10am-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Lenzar
T he Skills of a Warrior competition is still going strong (and will be for quite some time :P). I urge all Clan leaders to tell their members about this competition. It is a good way to be active and earn a CF if they have some free time and are bored. I have also heard of some problems with the competition (mostly because of downloading the maps and such). I will be seeing how we can resolve any of this. If anyone has any probelsm with this competition, please mail myself or Arania, and we shall try and address them. Also, I have a few other ideas that branch off from this competition. However, for all of the information, please go HERE. The website for this can be found at www.starfleetacademy.net/soaw.html
Other Stuff:
Well, I actually managed to get some work done, but I haven't been around IRC lately. That's because the time I'd normally be on IRC I'm instead spending on KOTOR. I'm almost done with the Dark Side, which is sooooooooooo much more fun than being a stinkin' lighty :P. Lyrics are below, and remember to get that comment in first
Lyrics of the Week: (Last week's winner: Cybey)
Clearly I remember pickin' on the boy
Seemed a harmless little f***
But we unleashed a lion
Gnashed his teeth and bit the recess lady's breast
How could I forget?
And he hit me with a surprise left
My jaw left hurtin', ooh, dropped wide open
Just like the day, oh, like the day I heard
In darkness,
SO Halcyon (Sith)/COG/Dark Council [GMRG: CoG]
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Oh my :P
The lyrics are from Pearl Jam's "Jeremy" from the Ten album.
One of my favorite songs, and albums ever.
Although not my favorite song, it's still a great one, and I love it when it comes on the radio during those drives home from work.