Turn 3 starts now.
Alvaak submitted a move last turn and has taken 2 territory hexes.
No further moves were submitted, and so no combat can take place until next turn. There is, however, still trivia!
Please submit your answers to [Log in to view e-mail addresses] by 6pm GMT Monday. As before, the first respondent with all answers correct gets 3 extra points, the second 2, the third 1. In lieu of three people getting all ten questions correct, the highest scorers thereafter will get the bonus points. As always, 1 point per correct answer!
1) What are the names of the Dark Jedi Twins?
2) Across all of the published Star Wars media, how many lightsabers does Luke Skywalker build?
3) On July 25th, 2000, Lucasarts and BioWare announced a partnership to create what RPG?
4) What did Grand Admiral Thrawn discover on the planet Myrkr?
5) How many "forms" of lightsaber combat are taught or practiced in the Star Wars universe?
6) What Jedi Master is a member of the Lannik species?
7) Which Jedi trained a Mon Calamari Padawan named Bant?
8) Who was appointed to the Jedi Council after the fall of Jedi Master Yarael Poof?
9) Which Padawan was kidnapped by a pair of Alwari while resolving a border dispute on Ansion?
10) How many fingers does Gasgano have?
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