Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

Weekly Report from the Office of the KHP

  • I'm on an LoA until next Friday.

  • Inter-phyle competition is continuing well. There'll be new clues out tomorrow. Please e-mail Tiss or Trev for any assistance you require during my leave.

  • The New Menace results are out - see my other post. Many thanks to all who entered and made it such a good competition. I'll try and post the entries on when I get back.

  • Feb KMTs:

Poem topic: The flame

Poem type: Haiku (please note, your poem may have more than one verse)

E-mail to Alanna: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Story topic: Blind

E-mail to Ciara: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Both KMTs due by the end of Feb. Please submit in .txt or .doc.

  • Valentine's comp:

The Krath High Priestess is feeling spurned! She hasn't received any Valentines!

This is a graphics competition - create a Valentine suitable for a Dark Jedi and address it to Alanna or one of her staff (Tiss, Ciara, Vithril).

Send to Alanna on [Log in to view e-mail addresses] Please zip all large files. Closing date Feb 14th.

Thanks to Anga for the idea!

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