Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House Cestus Report for 2-7-2004

Hey everyone. My apologies for this being a day late, the new mailing list (we'll get into that later) that BloodFyre setup is apparently connected to the Dark Jedi Brotherhood website, and there was about a 24 hour downtime yesterday due to Jac's server peeps moving from their place in Nevada to Kentucky. Everything is back up and running again, and should be working smoothly. I could have typed up everyones individual e-mail addresses once again, but I figured we could wait a day.

This week has seen alot of major changes to the Obelisk Order. The Obelisk High Commander Khobai has resigned from his position, and the Dark Council has decided to appoint Shai'this in his place. Shai'this has cleared out the old OHC staff, and his new Praetor and Magistrate are Sharad and Shadow respectively. From what I gather Shai'this is a pretty capable person so I'm sure we'll see alot of exciting things in the future.

Before I delve into upcoming competitions and news I'd like to take some time to talk with you guys about the importance of reading these reports, and acting on them activity-wise. I try to cover as much as I can each report. However, I know when I look at a HUGE report, I "don't want to read all that crap". So I try to just announce the most important things out there, while minimizing the amounts of text that goes into it. But sometimes there's ALOT of stuff I need to cover. This report for example, is considerably larger than the first. But it's also much more important. Usually the big text messages I send you are where you can find the most information.

I put all the information you'll need on the various activities the DB offers to you as an Obelisk in each report. But, I rarely see any of you participating in said activities. You joined this club because you want to have a fun time. You joined the Obelisk order because you want to play Jedi Knight / Jedi Outcast / Jedi Academy. So I really don't know if you guys are even reading these. So please, read the reports, and act on them. There are TONS of fun things to do in the DB. You are all members of the Obelisk order, you all enjoy kicking ass in a Jedi Knight game, and there's plenty of ways to do it. How do you "act on it" exactly? That's all covered in these reports. Just keep reading below...

  • IRC (Internet Relay Chat)

Plain and simple: Requirement for being an active Obelisk. Why? Because 99% of all Obelisk activities involve Multiplayer Gaming. And IRC is the place we meet up to arrange matches and do just that. What is IRC? IRC is a chat program similar to any chat room you've been to in the past. It's a place where the entire Dark Brotherhood meet. How do you get it? http://www.mirc.com Double click that link, click "download IRC", and download it. Install the program, run it, fill in the values (name, e-mail address), and select an UNDERNET server. Once connected to that server, join the channels #DB and #Tarentum. That's all there is to it. You can send files over IRC, you can chat, you can find other DBers to play games with, almost anything. If you want to have fun, you'll need IRC. If you have ANY questions about IRC, how it works, etc, just email me. [Log in to view e-mail addresses] is my address, and it's always open.

  • Interclub Training Event

Every Saturday, members of the Dark Brotherhood and other Online Gaming Star Wars Clubs meet on IRC to play nonstop multiplayer gaming. Jedi Knight, Jedi Outcast, Jedi Academy, X-Wing vs Tie-Fighter, X-Wing Alliance, Allegiance, Yahoo!Pool, nearly anything can be played here (yes, you can actually play YahooPool :P). It takes place every Saturday at 3:00 PM EST on the IRC Undernet Server, in the channel #OuterRim. I'm usually there, so if you see someone with the nick "Cannabisa", toss me a hello and I can talk with you!

  • Rite of Supremacy

The Rite of Supremacy is now over. It was a competition between the Obelisk Houses of the DB to determine who the best, and most active really was. I'd like to take this time to thank everyone who participated! The results are still being tallied, but once they're released (And we have a really good chance of winning) I'll be sure to promote/reward every single participant. The website is still up if you want to read up on what it (a Rite of Supremacy) was: http://www25.brinkster.com/darkforge/ObeliskROS.htm

  • Brigade Sergeant Applications Still Open!

Yes, applications for the position of Brigade Sergeant are still open. A Sergeant is in charge of the well-being of his/her Brigade, and making sure that each member under their command is having a fun and enjoyable time in the Dark Brotherhood. If you feel you can do just that, then apply by emailing me: [Log in to view e-mail addresses] with the subject "SGT Application", be sure to include your ID Line in the application. Each applicant recieves a "SGT Duties/Expectations" document that I've written up. As I said before, the rank requirement as outlined by the DSC is that of Guardian but I'm still accepting applications from those at the rank of Protector or Acolyte. If you aren't active on IRC, if you don't participate in anything, then don't apply. Part of Commanding a Brigade is leading by example, so be sure you can do the job as outlined before you apply for it.

  • Rollmaster Applications Closed

So far I haven't recieved any applications for this position. Which isn't necessarily a bad thing. After reading up on how the Shadow Academy works nowadays (I'm an oldie, things change over time :P), I've come to the understanding that each House is allowed an "Envoy" to do exactly as I outlined for the RM spot last report. So, for lack of a better idea (and if you have any, please let me know), in the meantime, the Rollmaster is going to be the same person as the House Envoy. Do not apply, an Envoy/RM will be appointed after I consult with the rest of the House and Clan Summit.

  • House Mailing List

As you well know, the Consul BloodFyre has setup a new mailing list for the House. The address is: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. This is the address I'll be sending House Updates and Reports to from now on, just letting everybody know.

And that about covers it for the moment. There's alot to do (currently the most notable is the Interclub Training Event), so go out and do it. Multiplayer Gaming is incredibly fun, and is a huge stress reliever. You joined to have fun, to play JK, and the ICTE is the perfect place to do it. So get on IRC, play some games, and have a great time while partaking in a Star Wars experience. That's what we're all here for. Have a nice weekend, cya'll on IRC.

DJK Cannabisia (Obelisk)/QUA/Cestus of Tarentum

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