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](http://www.darkjedicrypt.com "Dark Jedi Crypt")
(#31) ** PCON Report: 8 Feb 04** </td> </tr> <tr> <td width="445" align="justify" style="font-family: Verdana; font-size: 10pt" height="1070">
Hey CSK!!!
The CSK System is ALMOST done!!! I should have the final pages done today and the new layout done next week!! If you wanna see what's there so far go to www.darkjedicrypt.com and click the system link.
There are some new additions to the PCON report this week, namely; The DJB Gaming Schedule and Order News. Your primary information sources will still be your House leaders and their reports, but I'll try to scrounge up some various info for you. Also, gamers, if you know of any other times/places that I should put on this schedule, let me know.
<span style="font-weight: 700"> DARK JEDI BROTHERHOOD GAMING SCHEDULE</span>
Inter-Club Training Event
Time: Saturday at 4pm EST
Place: #outerrim
Host: Mav
_**Space Jam**_
Time: Sunday from 1-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Rekio
_**Tuesday Showdown**_
Time: Tuesday form 2-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Halcyon/Lenzar
_**Thursday Bash**_
Time: Thursday from 6-10pm EST
Place: #gmrg
Host: Arania
_**Battle of Antei**_
Time: Friday from 10am-5pm EST
Place: #sith
Host: Lenzar
DB Information:
Thursday Night Bash has adapted a "GUNS only" policy for the battles....yaaay!
The Dark Voice is going through a few bumps...it'll be back soon. Remember, they're always taking submissions -- its a good place to show your work.
SITH News:
The Sith War is coming!!! There is cool stuff to win, for yourselves and the Clan. Watch for the news post!
-The Sith Battle Compendium is up (http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/battlec/) check it out!
-There is a move within the Sith to find battle creators, or anyone who is willing to learn, mail DA Xanos (SHW) [Log in to view e-mail addresses].
-The Sith site will be up shortly as soon as the files get transferred, it WILL BE located here: http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/sith.
I haven't seen anything recent for the Obbies in a long time. Last I heard, they were getting a new OHC.
Inter-Phyle league is running. The folks listed for questioning are KEY to your success, so, approach them in character and bleed them for info!!! www.krath.org/timeline.php www.krath.org/suspects.php
** <span style="text-decoration: underline; ">CSK COMPETITIONS:</span>**
CSK February comps are here: www.darkjedicrypt.com
Use the 'competitions' link.
-Pay attention to who gets the entries for each competition
-Close date is 1 March
-Include your ID line
-Designate which competition it is
**[_Last Weeks Winner:** OT Brat Stone. Song was called "Arrival" by King Diamond*]*_
1) The answer MUST be mailed to me, a reply over the group will not count, 2) There will only be ONE winner and the '1st' is decided by when it is received by my inbox 3) If there are no correct answers for the week's challenge, it will be closed when the next report comes out...get it? Good, here we go:
This Week: Clan Trivia
Currently, 4 CSK members have animals on their GoA's. There are two that have similar animals - Who owns the two which are similar and what type of animal is it?
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