Taldryan Consul Report 2-8-04
Hello everyone, this will be my first report in my new format. From this point on my report will only contain DB and Clan news. All medals, promotions, and transfers, along with some other things, can be found in Proconsul Sharads report, so make sure to read BOTH of them! Quick semi-LoA news, I will be gone from Thursday until Sunday this week (its my girlfriends Birthday AND Valentines day this weekend, I know pity me). But Ill be back on Sunday, yay!
DB News
-The Sith Week of War will be starting sometime in the next week. While it is technically a Sith event, it will be open to ALL orders of the Brotherhood (Sith members will just get a bonus or something of that nature, I think so dont quote me on that)
-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy has ended! Were just waiting on final scores now, hopefully Dinaari pulled out the win!
-Our very own former Quaestor of Dinaari, Shaithis, has been made the new OHC, congrats!
-For those of you who participate in the Thursday Night Bash multiplayer competition in #gmrg, there has been a change! The Thursday competition will be Guns-only from this point on. This should make it fun and different from other competitions, so get in there and play!
-All of those Capital Gains submissions you sent in are currently being judged. First the will be read over by the Clan judges, who will pick 1st, 2nd and 3rd for the Clan. Then theyll be sent to the DB judges to determine 1st, 2nd, and 3rd for the entire DB. Look for results VERY soon!
-The Justicar issued a statement regarding behavior in #db. While I know its not Taldryan members that usually cause any trouble, just try to watch what you talk about, and attempt to keep conversations appropriate!
-The Krath Monthly Topics for February are The Flame and Blind, see djb.org for details, and the Inter-Phyle competition is up and running, so get going on that if youre involved!. Also there is the Valentines comp, so check that out!
-The ACC is running smoothly!! To go check it out and get started on participation, go to http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/acc/. Im a member, so if you join you will be able
to fight me!!
Weekly Multiplayer Competitions
Members of ALL orders are welcome at all of these weekly Multiplayer competitions, and you are welcome to play ANY game platform sanctioned by the Brotherhood (i.e. JK, JO, JA, XvT, XWA, and SWGB). Cluster of Fire medals will be given out for every 1 victory or 3 losses, and the player with the most wins for each event also receives a Crescent! These events are great ways of staying active while honing your skills and earning medals all at the same time!!
-Moonelfs Quest in #gmrg on Mondays from 3-8pm EST
-Tuesday Showdown in #gmrg from 2-10pm EST
-Thursday Night Bash in #gmrg from 6-10pm EST
-Battle of Antei in #sith on Fridays from 10am-5pm EST
-Interclub Training Event (ICTE) on Saturdays at 4pm in #Outerrim
-Space Jam in #sith on Sundays from 1-5pm EST
-For more news you know where to go, the Main DB News page, found at:
Taldryan News
Details can be found here: http://www.taldryan.org/pcd/description.html
So far I have VERY FEW submissions to this competition, which disappoints me. This is supposed to be a warm-up for the Great Jedi War that is coming, and most of you havent even submitted to a SINGLE event yet! You all have slightly more than a week to start submitting, and I want to see a LOT more submissions, so get going!
-I sent out the State of the Clan address last Monday, I hope you all read it and enjoyed it!
-Ill quickly sum up all the leadership changes that happened this week
PCON = Freshjive resigned, Sharad appointed
Dinaari QUA = Shaithis made OHC, Shadow appointed
Ektrosis QUA = Shadonyx resigned, Malaricarun appointed
Ektrosis AED = Malaricarun made QUA, Dark Sabre appointed
-One of the goals for Sharad and I is going to be to increase Clan communication, so if you want to get a head start on that, then start talking on the MBs and on IRC more often!
-The Obelisk Rite of Supremacy has ended, so were just waiting for results!
-The Taldryan JO server is still up and running! The IP Address is, and the Password is Talpwnz, get out there and play!
-All Medals, Promotions, and Transfers can be found in Proconsul Sharads weekly report
-If you ever need to see an old Consul report, all of mine are up on djb.org!
Thats all for this week, as always if you have any questions/comments/just want to talk, feel free to email me at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] or just go onto IRC, Im logged on quite often!
Dark Brotherhood http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/news.asp
Clan Taldryan - http://www.taldryan.org
Antei Combat Center http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/acc/
Message Boards - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/message_board/
Shadow Academy - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/shadowacademy/sa/index.html
Dark Side Compendium - http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.com/dbjedi/dsc/index.html
Summit Members
CON Pimp Kir Taldrya Katarn ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
PCON Pimp Sharad Hett ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari QUA Pimp Shadow ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Dinaari AED Pimp Crix Uberman Madine ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis QUA Malaricarun ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Ektrosis AED Dark Sabre ([Log in to view e-mail addresses])
Cohors Praetoria Taldryan Dark Sabre and wolf
In Darkness,
KE Kir Taldrya Katarn (Krath)/CON/Clan Taldryan [GMRG: GDM] [ACC: PF]
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