Welcome to the Kirleta Quaestor Report.
Dark Brotherhood/Kirleta News
A new OHC is in place, OP Shaithis. He is a genuine leader and an incredible Jedi Knight player, I look forward to seeing what he has in store for the order.
With Shaithis on board he will soon introduce a new OHC Cup. Look for details to come in your inboxes. Also the Rite of Supremecy scores should be coming soon.
For those of you interested in participating in some Jedi Academy multiplayer action, go to http://www.battlestats.com/games/ja/war/info/?war2354 and sign up. Let me know if you have any questions.
The third Sith War will be beginning this week sometime. Since Kirleta is an Obbie/Sith house, we can participate. Vessicant should provide us with all the details as soon as they arrive.
For all competition info, please see the Brat and Vessicants reports.
Crescent with Amethyst Star (A) awarded to OT Brat Stone
Crescent with Sapphire Star (S) awarded to PRT Cam'k Seale
Cluster of Fire (CF) to GRD Draynor
Congratulations to everyone who received awards
OE Waza Sunrider Satal has been moved to the position of Rollmaster of House Kirleta.
Apprentice Jacek has been promoted to Novice! Congratulations
QUA Thoughts
Ok everyone right now I see us in a sort of lackidasical period. It stops now. There are many fun and exciting things to do here. Dalthid's competitions. Brat's name the battle team competition. Vess's flying competition. And the numerous DJB wide competitions that are available to everyone. So do some! Please e-mail me, let me know what I can do to help you. Also I am opening to anyone in the house any ideas you have for a competition. We could make up our own that would be fun to us, but we want to hear your suggestions! So any ideas you have please send the to me.
Also for all of you that don't know my contact information here it is:
E-Mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
AIM Screen Name: Curly1229
Mirc Name: `Arso
Cell phone text message: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]
Also this HTML report stuff is new to me, so any suggestions or improvements are welcome.
That's about it, if you need anything let me know. I am always open.
OP Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto [ACC: L]
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