TET Report For Exars Shadow
Seiryte Kaienn Zinor paced in his quarters. He had been at it for quite some time now. He picked up a data pad from his desk, and turned it on to see the Reports Page. He sat down and set to work.
Report #: 7
Date: February 13, 2004
Access Reports: Yes
Access Granted
ACTIVITY: There has been little activity that I have been aware of, besides most of the Tyros informing me that they will participate in the Clan Run-on. The Phyle has the four minimum members needed to participate and will be notified soon of what else is needed. Dark Jedi Knight Valon Perenor: Inactive this week.
Guardian Mako Henymory: Active on the message board.
Acolyte Marris Kren: In-active this week.
Apprentice Jaren: In-active this week.
Priest Imrahil Celebrimbor: Active on the message board.
PHYLE NEWS: I have submitted the list of Valon, Mako, Imrahil, and me for the Clan Run-on. I should be getting word on that soon. I would like to see more activity from the Tyros. There are competitions that could be done, and should be done. That also goes the exact same for me, I should say, if I am to set a good example.
GRD Seiryte Kaienn Zinor (Krath)/TET/Byss of Exar Kun [ACC: L]
End Report: Yes
Seiryte stood up and read over the report. He began having his weekly headache that Sephren liked to bring up, so he decided to take some time to rest
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