Rollmaster Report


Rollmaster Report

House Marka Ragnos Rollmaster Report #3

  • Running Run-ons:

HMR run-on: (

    Murder Mystery – Avatars of Death Run-on: find it in: (   

Ask me or Tiss for the password.

Extra rewards:

Dark Cross for the two Dark Jedi with highest activity.

Dark Cross for the one Dark Jedi with the best input (quality over quantity)

Besides posts from Ghost Angel and Rori (who quit the DJB), I have not seen any activity. Easy DC’s if you ask me. ;-)

I have had my discussion with Kaiann, which revealed some interesting things. I’m currently editing it, and would appreciate someone else to post / interrogate someone in the meantime. :-)

Week one clues:

List of victims:


Roleplay List:

  • Competitions:

Scooby Doo, Where Are You??:

Tiss’ competition. Only 2 submissions so far. It ends the 15th, so basically a guaranteed Crescent to the 3rd person who submits.

  • Various Items:

Woohoo. Promoted to Jedi Hunter. Drinks on me. :-)

A lot of stuff is going on IRL at the moment… I’ve gotten in touch with my cousin for the first time in 7 years (yes, seven years… even her dad, my uncle, did not hear from her in that time) a couple of weeks back, which was enough to turn my life up-side down by itself, but a few days ago her sister tried to kill herself. My cousin does not live there anymore, fortunately, but does want to see her sister. The family situation there is about as bad as it can be, and it would definitely not be a good idea if she went there… it would not be the first time that she’d be hit or locked up.

What it comes down to, if you suddenly don’t see me around for a while (not this weekend… this weekend I’ll be at a birthday party, unless something happens regarding my cousin), I’ll be over there, making sure my cousin can see her sister without being attacked.

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