Deputy Grand Master Report


Deputy Grand Master Report

Gonna skip the Weekly Jac this week. It will return on friday as normal.

I'd just like to take this report to apologize for my lack-luster activity this week. Feb 7 was my gf's bday, the 8th my parents came in town, the 9th I had elections at my Fraternity that took 5 hours at night, the 10th I had to write a 4 page paper, the 12th was a day that I actually had to work at work, the 13th, my computer at work was down due to a domain switch in IT, and then yesterday was VDay.

All in all, I had a busy week IRL. That should be over now, fortunately.

I am getting caught up again and will have a better report next Friday, with some stuff inbetween I'm sure.

That's it from me :)


What about the 11th? Huh? Come on Jac - a little dedication here, please! >:P

(That's sarcasm for any non-Brits out there ;o) )

Pfft. Slacker.

( Takes one to know one ;D )

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