Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

Welcome to the Kirleta Quaestor Report.

Dark Brotherhood/Kirleta News


This is a very important competition that is going on right now. More details will come as the summits begin to organize.

If anyone specializes in mission creation, graphic design, battleplan design,

well pretty much anything involved with the competition, please e-mail me and let me know.

New Battle Team Names

Out with the old and in with the new. Vashino is now known as Midnight Blade.

Crimson Dawn is now known as Eternal Plague.

Congratulations to Protector Xen' Culo Harzirto and Novice Pug on created the winning submissions.

House Blade Masters

Right now DJK Bane and myself are available for any type of multiplayer training that you guys need.

Call us House Blade Masters if you will. If any of you feel like you are continually getting trashed everytime you play Multiplayer,

let Bane and/or myself know, and we can help you out. Contact information is at the bottom, and in Bane's report as well.

For all competition info, please see Brat and Vessicants reports respectively.


Cluster of Fire (x2) awarded to GRD Draynor

Cluster of Fire (x4) awarded to DJK Bane

Cluster of Fire (x2) awarded to OP Arso Slyth

Dark Cross awarded to GRD Draynor

Dark Cross awarded to DJK Bane

A good deal of medals awarded this week to Bane and Draynor. Keep up the good work fellows.

I hope everyone else sees that participation pays off.


APP Exar Kun II promoted to NOV! Congratulations!

Guess we can't have these every week. Nice Work Exar Kun II.

QUA Thoughts

It is nice to see a continued growth in activity. I really want to put an emphasis on the Sith War at the moment. There are about a million different things for all of you to do in the next couple weeks. Dalthids competitions, The Kirleta Hunt, new flying competitions, and all the various multiplayer activities throughout the week. If any of you need any type of training in multiplayer again, let Bane and myself know and we will do what we can to help improve your skills.

My contact information:

Feel free to contact me any and at all times on these. (Use the txt message sparingly, costs $)

E-Mail: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

AIM Screen Name: Curly1229

Mirc Name: `Arso

MSN: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Cell phone text message: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

That's about it, if you need anything let me know. I am always open.

OP Arso Slyth (Obelisk)/QUA/Kirleta of Satal Keto [ACC: L]



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