Clan Naga Sadow
Heirs to the Empire
Weekly Report #10
February 17th, 2004
Ok, I've been a little out of it again, and I'm sorry for that. I've been trying to get as much done on the clan website as I could before I put out a report but with getting thrown out of my room for yet another week so my parents can paint it, and actually going out this weekend, that didn't happen. This week something should get done. Emphasis on 'should.'
I've noticed that Janos, Tiss and GA of HMR are all on leave. Now, could someone tell me just who the hell is left in charge of the house? And as for HPG, Pheniox is on leave. Ok, no biggy. And I know that Ric is busy with school and all that, so who's technically running HPG now? The only house that seems to have an active summit at the moment is HLK. This does not please me. I can't really do anything about it at the moment b/c RL does come first. But I've noticed in the last couple of weeks the clan has gone downhill. We were doing so well and then we just kinda peeked and started to get worse. It is partly my fault since I wasn't around all that much to kick everyone in the ass to get them active, but it's also everyone else's fault too. So let's just get back to being active, there's lots of comps to participate in, so get to it. I may even have a couple coming up soon.
You may or may not remember from one of my previous reports that I am redoing the clan website. It's been slowgoing, but it's been started. I'll release more info when it's available.
I want all the QUA's and AED's to send me an email about the status of their houses. What I want is a list of who's really active, what comps you're currently running, and anything else you think will please me. Current summit that is on leave, get it to me at your convenience. The rest of you, I want it ASAP (Ric, Manesh, Jeff). QUAs, you and your AEDs can summit a joint email if you want, just get together and discuss and then one of you send it to me.
Sith War:
Ok, the Third Sith War is upon us. Even though the name implies differently, it is for all 3 orders, so participate if you can. Help out our Sith house. Not only can you say you helped, but you have a chance to get some nifty awards too. What more could you ask for?
I think I've basically gone over what I wanted to in this report, if I think of anything else, you'll definitely hear from me. I just woke up so I'm a little out of it. :P Anywho, catch me on IRC or AIM (LordKnightRaven) if you need me.
~Epis Jonuss Rai Sadow
Consul Clan Naga Sadow
Master of the Blood Rage
Weilder of the Saber of Omens
Possessor of the Monkey of Coconut
Son of Sadow
KE Jonuss Rai Sadow (Krath)/CON/Clan Naga Sadow [ACC: SQ]
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