Aedile Report


Aedile Report

House Dorimad Sol Aedile Report #1

   The lights dim as the dark figure enters the room. Piercing blues eyes are all that can be seen beneath the cloak.....Phoenix walks through the shadows towards the seat at the head of the room. The cloak flies off and lands on the back of the chair. Phoenix sits, as his eyes slowly scan the room.  

Everyone is here......Good


APP Jaina Bartel passes Obelisk Core, Great Job!!

APP Dias passes Obelisk Core & Dark Meditation, Great Job!!

APP Vengeance passes Obelisk Core, Great Job!! (better late than never on recognition ;-P )


Though you may have been here already, I am putting you in this group anyway, Welcome APP's Dias, Humai`raak, Jaina Bartel, Junhui, Lano Nolan, Raolin Darksbane, Resan Ogni and Vengeance.

Also welcome the great, all powerful, badass Mo Fo SWL Predator!!!!


Sith War- : Even though most of you are Obelisk, you can still participate. Get onto IRC and try to get some matches in (XWA, XvT, SWGB, Allegiance, ACC battles). You have any questions email me or our QUA, PCON or CON. Allegiance you dont need to buy, you can d/l here


Nothing at the moment

Rollmaster Position open.....Insentive for APP's, first to PRT and active will get the position, more info email me.


I got a 11 CF's(Cluster of Fire), 1 DC(Dark Cross) & 1 Cr-1S(Cresant w/Sapphire Star) for ICTE, MoonElf's Quest, Feb. JO WoW, Allegiance & Tues. Showdown.


Get Active. I want to see more mIRC presence, which means you can get inot the comps. and email, get invovled in sith war through flying or the ACC(#scholae, #db). No excuses, RoS was pathetic, JO WoW was pathetic....Prove to the Clan and the DB that we are not dead.

  1. Get Active!!

  2. Email or IRC me so I know your alive

  3. Have Fun

  4. Pred ignore 1 & 2 cuz I know your here only to help us in the Sith War, and thank you for that.


Warlord Predator [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Prelate Crusader [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Templar Magus Lionheart [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight Deathdealer [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight JKast [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight Liara [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Dark Jedi Knight Phoenix [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Aklen [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Protector Voldemort [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Dias [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Humhai'raak [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Jaina Bartel [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice junhui [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Lano Nolan [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Raolin Darksbane [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Resan Ogni [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Apprentice Vengeance [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

In Darkness,

Dark Jedi Knight Phoenix

DJK Phoenix (Sith)/AED/Dorimad Sol of Scholae Palatinae [GMRG: GDM] [KSOE: KCE] [ACC: INI] ::: (SC)/(StA)/DC-KC/Cr-1S-1E/CF-BlF-RF ::: {SA: U:TL-G:LS-G:IRC-G:MSN}

Aedile of House Dorimad Sol

Envoy of Clan Scholae Palatinae

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