House Qel-Droma of Arcona
Aedile Report 2/18/2004
"We hold the Shadows in our Souls"
Greetings, all.
Well, as previously stated by Quaestor Strategos, it has been a rather eventful week in the House. But, rather than rehash what's already been announced as far as leadership changes, I'll rehash what it is you can do to assist Qel-Droma, and thus Arcona. Warning, this will be long:
a. ACC Ladder: Challenge a participating member of another Clan in the "Sith War" arena of the ACC. Each match you complete, win or lose, gains Clan Arcona points. I myself have challenged KAP Enahropes, who has yet to reply to my challenge. I suppose it comforts him to know he's beaten before the battle is fought...but it doesn't gain us any ground in this war! Challenge someone ASAP. If they don't respond quickly, challenge someone else.
b. Graphic Comp: Design a graphic reflecting some aspect of the Sith War, or the Sith in general. Now, not all of us are graphic artists. Some of us (myself included) have artistic abilities that go only so far as MS Paint. But SO WHAT? Remember, the focus here is participation. As non-Sith, we cannot place in most of the War events, but our taking part gains Arcona points, which is what is important. Whip something together that's decent, and turn it in. I will be doing so this week, so should you.
c. The "Battleplan:" the details of this Clan-oriented portion of the war have yet to be provided, but start thinking in strategic terms. When the time comes, it will fall onto us, the Krath, to properly articulate the plans that the Clan comes up with as a whole. Keep your eyes open.
This will probably begin soon, though I would not want it to in any way detract from anyone's participation in the Sith War. Regardless, the Phyle War will consist of Poetry, ACC, and Short Story events. The focus will concern our home base, the HQD Temple. Thus, I suggest everyone review the information on the temple, such as the floorplans and location descriptions. This info will become vital for the completion of some events in the Phyle War. You can find the info at:
The Krath monthly topics are a frequent and, dare I say, fairly simple set of comps to participate in. I've already entered this month's pair of comps. If you're short on time, I highly recommend the Haiku comp "The Flame." It's an open-ended topic. I did four verses of 5/7/5 Haikus on the abstract subject. If you need/want help on how to do this yourself, mail me.
As always, if you have any project ideas, questions on the current status of the House, or ideas on how to make the House better, do not hesitate to contact either Quaestor Strategos or myself.
In darkness thrive,
~Archpriest Vassan Rokir~
Aedile of House Qel-Droma
Praetor to the Oracle
Architect for Clan Arcona
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