Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


-The phyle is coalescing nicely. Current roster stands at 10 tyros.

-The DG homepage is under construction and online at:

Updates are ongoing.


-Phyle League: This includes Saitou, Yun, McKell, myself and Anubis. Arania has combined the two posts into one, and we're now on a good track. Activity here is a big plus, and tyros' participation will be noted. If you need the url or password, please email me: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

-Dragon Guard Motto Comp: Pending DC approval. Not your average motto comp. Please be on the lookout for further notifications.


-House motto: The AED has extended the end date to this Sunday (2/22). Doesn't take much time, and u might get a little bling-bling for it :) Whip up a few mottos and send 'em off to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

-Feb. KMTs:

Poem topic - The flame

Poem type - Haiku

End date: 2/29

Awards: Crescents

Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Fiction topic - Blind

End date: 2/29

Awards: Crescents

Submit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]


The original Dragon Guard was conceived by Emperor Palpatine in the waning days of the Galactic Empire, as an answer to his ineffective Royal Guard and as a warning to potentially unloyal officers. Part living beast, part machine, these "berserkers" were the ultimate extension of Palpatine's power and authority. And though Palpatine eventually perished, the Guard lives on...


The HAD homepage is under construction and online at:

Updates are ongoing.

-Character Images Requested: I would like every house member to dig up a visual representation of your DB character. This is uber important, as it will give our homepage a cool, unique attribute. If you have one, please send it in gif or jpg format to [Log in to view e-mail addresses]. If you do not have one in mind, I recommend (search jedi, dark jedi, etc.). Or, if you wish to describe your character's appearance to me, I will attempt to find one that meets with your approval.

Please note that I will pester you to your early grave until I get these images! ;)

Character Images on file:



-Fiction/Poetry/Artwork Requested: Stuff for the archives. We need it. Please send me your excellent work!

Also, if you could CC me on any and all future comp submissions, that would be an easy way for me to fill up the archives, so it would be much appreciated. Also a good way for me to track your activity - especially the lower ranks - re: promo requests.

Final Note: As always, any questions, issues, gripes you may have, I'm at your complete disposal, so please feel free to contact me.

For the Guard,

Tetrarch Rhaub D'ar Aghasett

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