Obelisk Sergeant Report


Obelisk Sergeant Report

Dark Fire Sergeant Report

Continued Dominance ended, and Kir sent out a ton of medals. I'm very proud of the people who participated, and you got your rewards. There are three(maybe four, can't remember) of you who have excuses for now. Building better computers, moving, etc... The rest of you better participate in the GJW. Anyway, clan results are out for Capital Gains. (For those that missed the meeting) <Mav> Clan Taldryan: 1st place, Darksaber. 2nd place, Crix. 3rd place, Shaithis.


Here's a nice website for all your competition needs

http://dinaari.taldryan.org/competitions.php (Has a nice little Dinaari-only option as opposed to the Taldryan-wide one)

The Sith war is open to all orders, so if you have some spare time and one of those sithly games, go finish one of the single player missions, or something. http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/lch/sith/sithwar

(Weekly CF Things)

"The ICTE (Interclub Training Event)" - Saturday 4:00 PM EST in #outerrim.

"Tuesday Showdown" - Tuesday 2:00 EST in #gmrg

"Thursday Night Bash" - 4:00 EST in #obelisk (Guns only)

"Space Jam" - Sunday 1:00 PM EST in #sith

"Battle of Antei" - Friday 10:00 AM EST in #sith

"Moonelf's Quest" - Monday 3:00 PM EST in #gmrg

(/Weekly CF things)

There's some thing with "different" maps somewhere. Instead of Bespin you play on some ship, or in the Matrix, or something like that. If someone is talking about SOAW, they're probably talking about this. The maps are at http://www.starfleetacademy.net/soaw.html

A bunch of us are trying to play some allegiance. (www.freeallegiance.org) It's free. It is a team game, so we need lotsa people. If you're interested, talk to Mav (the LCH guy).


Easiest part of the report.

Awards, etc.

21 bloody emails. Bravo people

Dask_k - Promo to GRD, 9 CFs, DC, Cr-E

wolf - 3 CFs, Cr-A

Vicar - 2 CFs

Kaetaal - Cr-E, 2 Cr-A

Me - 4 CFs, 3 Cr-S, Cr-E, Cr-A


I dunno about that BlF upgrade. The "l" just seems out of place.

OT Pimp Benevolent Whiner (Obelisk)/SGT/Dinaari of Taldryan


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