CSK has encountered Alvaakian and Arconan forces.
Arcona has encountered CSK forces, Taldryan forces, and Alvaakian forces.
In anticipation of combat, the following are the damage limitation missions:
TIE Free 105: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=351
XvT Free 57: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=684
XWA Free 34: http://www.emperorshammer.net/battles/battle.asp?record=603
1) How many worlds, other than Naboo, does Senator Palpatin represent?
2) In "The Empire Strikes Back", how many years did Master Yoda claim to have been training as a Jedi for?
3) What species is Salacious Crumb?
4) What are names of Tonnika sisters ?
5) What is Captain Pelleaons first name?
6) What type of brain does Ki Adi Mundi have?
7) Where is GA Thrawn from?
8) What is Dooku's first name?
9) How old is Padme Amidala in Episode 1?
10) What is Palpatine's first name?
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#1. Can we have a due date? :P
#2. For the TIE mission, do you want FTIE-105 or 106? You say 105, but have a link to 106...so making sure which is which. Thanks
Let's just decide it's TIE-FREE 106...
The link leads to 106, that's where everyone clicked, and that's link's mission is what everyone is playing. I bet it was just a mislabeling.
Actually, I fly 105 already, and I believe most of Arcona will be flying 105 as well...soooo....yeah :P
Since there has been no resolution, I propose this:
You may submit a .tfr for either TIE-F 105 OR TIE-F 106. Since i think we are using a percentage high score point system, it won't matter. However, you may not submit both for double points. Only one or ther other will be accepted.
Fair enough?