Yay I have training classes coming up in a few weeks. See how excited I am.....
Phyle happenings and gossip!!
Well first off I'll talk a little about medals. Seems they are not getting awarded and just sitting there waiting for approval. So until someone gets off their duff and gets the medals processed, people probably won't see very many from my competitions until they hit all at once.
But when you are up high you can get medals awarded real quick!
Dranik got four CFs, they were from earlier this month but he still got them. A plus right?
Kidouses got a nice Ruby Star for a joint first place in the KHP's Valentine contest. Great Job!
Obscurus has left for the Rogues. He transfered earlier this week. Let's hope he'll find time to be more active and come back to us. :)
I'll be on a partical leave of absence from March 8th to March 13th. This is because of my training. It starts at 5 pm and isn't scheduled to let out until like 1 am. Great hours!
Competition stuffs!!
The trivia for the week still has yet to be solved. All the questions can be found with answers online. Next week will be the last week to participate in the trivia and the last chance for you slackers to stay in the phyle. Just a little hint but that is everyone in the phyle except Dranik and Kudos.
Participate in the Third Sith War! Tarentum is ahead but not by much so we need everyone to be participating like crazy. So do your part of the entire clan!
Question of the week.
Why do birds fly south for the winter yet stay in areas that still get snow?
And now for this weeks moment of zen.
A little discovery was made. This has been an ongoing investigation operating in secret but now the truth is out. On the ocean floor near the Castle is a giant magnet. Why would that be important? Seems Spears has been injecting SA graduates with a metal solution that is drawn to the magnet. Why doesn't this magnet draw every other metal from all around. Sensors have indicated that the magnet only attracts the metal solution that Spears injects in chosen graduates. It's not just graduates that have this metal in their system. Seems all Tarentum members have it flowing in them. When one member was asked if they cared they just replied with a shrug. So Tarentum keeps drawing in people and keeping them there with its 'magnetic' charm.
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