Krath Tetrarch Report


Krath Tetrarch Report


-Roster holding at 10 tyros.

-The DG homepage is under construction and online at:

No updates this week, but I'll have some stuff up next week.


-Phyle League: I did it! I'm the killer! Muahahahaha!!! cough j/k ;P Today's the last day, so it's effectively over. We could've done better, and I'm just as culpable. Too much other stuff goin' on. My bad. Tho kudos and much thanks to the CON and PCON who really stuck with it.

-Dragon Guard Motto Comp:

Create the Dragon Guard motto, with a 1-2 pg. story explaining the motto's significance and how the motto came into being.

1st place: Cr-1E

2nd place: Cr-1T

3rd place: Cr-1Q

Start date: 3/01

End date: 3/31

Sumbit to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

This comp is really important because the winning entry will become an intregal part of the official DG history and lore. 3 tyros are guaranteed some bling-bling, so make sure to get those entries in. You've got plenty of time, but don't let it slip.


-Congratulations to Tyro Ramser Tang'va for his promotion to Protector. Well done! See folks, the M/S program works! So stick with it! And get a master if you don't already have one. I'm available, FYI ;) Contact the OM at [Log in to view e-mail addresses] for info.


A belated welcome to DJK Exodius and PRT Issard Jokaat to our house ranks!


Impressive of frame and ferocious to even the most skeptical detractors, the first division of Dragon Guard were released on the planet Mentooine, as a test run for the freshly minted warriors.

As high-ranking Imperial handlers were overseeing the progress of the Dragon Guards on the ground, they quickly came to realize that something was terribly wrong. Far from an army of controllable foot soldiers, the Dragon Guard were proving to be little more than blood-lusting animals, who began to turn on each other once they had eradicated the entire Mentooine population, and their Imperial handlers as well...


The HAD homepage is under construction and online at:


Progress is moving right along. Much thanks to those who have submitted profiles. I'll be continuing to badger the rest of you until they're all in :) And stuff for the know the drill. We need it! Send to: [Log in to view e-mail addresses]

Roster Page / Profiles Databank - Added:

-Aghasett's Profile, w/ Character Pic, Saber Image, Posessions Image, Associates Images

-Lawakiro's Profile, w/ Character Pic, Saber Image

-Phoenix's Profile

-McKell's Profile

-Jokaat's Profile, w/ Character Pic

-Tang'va's Character Pic

-Anubis' Character Pic

-Kschamellehan's Profile

-HAD Position Pins Key

Summit Page - Complete

Archives Page - Added:

-Aghasett's Page, w/ 7 Entries

For the Guard,

Tetrarch Rhaub D'ar Aghasett

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