Aedile Report


Aedile Report

Greetings, all.

Strategos and I tried to figure out exactly what I

would include in my reports...and we couldn't quite

come up with anything, as anything I would have to say

regarding the House will be thoroughly covered in

Strat's weekly report.

Thus, I decided to do a bit of "War Correspondence,"

and report of House activity thusfar in the Sith War:


So far, the only completed battles recorded involving

House members are:

Me - 1 win, 1 loss = 5 Clan points

Kris Omega - 1 win = 3 Clan points

In-process battles:

Me: 2, worst case 4 clan points

Strategos: 4, worst case 8 clan points

Kris Omega: 1, worst case 2 Clan points

Kraith: 1, worst case 2 Clan points

So if everything stopped here, HQD would only have

contributed 24 points to the Sith War.

These are fast ACC battles, my friends. You post all

of 3 times per battle. =Even if you lose you gain us

points= I hope everyone will do at least one ACC

battle. If all remaining HQD members did at least one,

we'd get, at worst, 38 additional points for the Clan.


Graphics Competition:

As far as I know, I'm the only one to have submitted

one from HQD. So, 1 Clan point.

As for the flight Sim results...those aren't

completely posted online (so far as I know) so I am

unable to provide this info. Perhaps those of you who

have been putting in the effort will let us all know?

Thus ends my supplemental report.

In darkness thrive,

~Archpriest Vassan Rokir~

Aedile of House Qel-Droma

Praetor to the Oracle

Architect for Clan Arcona


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KAP Vassan Rokir (Krath)/P:OCL-AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona [ACC:PF]



Dossier #67

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