PCON Report#9
Take part in the Sith War!!!! info at http://www.darkjedibrotherhood.org/dbjedi/lch/sith/sithwar/.
Some of you may ask why you should take part in the Sith War since you're not a Sith. The answer is simple, both you and I want the clan to win stuff. Doing some quick calculations in my head here... if everyone in the clan flew the 3 SP missions then we would get almost 1000 points just for participation, but considering that not everyone has all platforms 500 seems more likely but that's still better than nothing, 500 points is more than what all 7 clans have all in all so far. And again you might ask why you should waste time flying a sp mission when you can't get any medals for it. First of all, if you're not Sith then there's no need to fly for a good score, you could just turn cheats on and complete the mission in 5 minuutes and I'm pretty sure that most people could easily spare 5 minutes of their day to fly a mission.
There's also the Antei Combat Centre, anyone who has fought their qualification fight in the ACC can take part in the Sith War room in the ACC, each of those fights are sure to get the clan at least 2 points, 3 if you win.
And there's also other events, the free game Allegiance being very popular, you can download it at www.freeallegiance.org, and if you need help on how to play it just go to the channel #DBAllegiance on IRC, there should be people willing to help you there most of the time.
There's also Star Wars Galactic Battlegrounds, so far I think Me and Arania are the only ones to actually play that but I'll keep playing it no matter what and so should you because it means more points for us.
Moving on to more events, there's graphics, everyone can draw something up in MS Paint, if the SHW allows that of course. Then there's the screenshot competition where you take a screenshot of one of the Sith games (TIE, XvT, XWA, SWGB, Allegiance) and add a caption to it.
Now there's just one more thing... why are you still reading this? Why aren't you out taking part in the Sith War and gaining your clan some points so we can win this thing cause one thing is for sure, I doubt that the few Sith we have can win it on their own.
Some Phyle thing ended for the krath, we await the results.
Look forward to a re-written Sith CORE soon cause I've rewritten it, now Kaiann just need to approve it.
Other things...
Some CFs and Crescents were awarded as well.
Two old members returned to the clan, yay Kieran Helsetu and Miackus Amducious!
I think that was all for this time... maybe you'll live to see another report from me.
SWL Malik Sadow (Sith)/PCON/Clan Naga Sadow [ACC: INI]
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