Quaestor Report


Quaestor Report

House News

Dinaari is just rolling along now with tons of activity, medals and promotions not to mention new members who are actually alive and kicking! Not too much to say on House News thought that isn't listed below in the rest of the report. But we're doing well in the Sith War, I believe, and our starting regular practices of JO CTF for the upcoming league. We have no set times but if you hang out in #dinaari you should find us there and are welcome to join in.

I've opened up a new Brigade for the Obelisk of our house. Dark Fire Brigade is now completely filled so I think it's time to start another. Dark Infantry Brigade is Dinaari's newest battleteam and we'll be filling her up soon enough. I've already placed the non-Brigaded members in and I'll be opening up applications for Sergeant in the near future - most likely this week sometime so stay tuned. This is a good position for you newer members to start learning how to command. Dinaari has a long history of outstanding leaders, most even go onto Dark Council positions, so this is a good chance to start early. When I ask for applications I'll list requirements and the other stuff I'd like to see from the new Sergeant.

Competition Updates

Well the Sith War is still going on but we haven't had a score update since last time, but I think we've done alot better point-wise. Alot of Taldryanites are playing and winning Allegiance games (myself included... once :P) and we have a few mission designers submitting as well which is uber points. So, if you can thrust out a quick XWA, XvT or TIE mission you get 10 points just for participating! Also the SHW has released the Battle Plan information and Kir and Sharad are working on Tal's entry. This should be an easy point grabber for us cause we always pwn battle plans :P

Clan Tarentum: 136

Clan Arcona: 134

Clan Naga Sadow: 81

Clan Taldryan: 67

Clan Scholae Palatinae: 39

Clan Satal Keto: 19

Clan Exar Kun: 15

Those are still the umm "current" point standings, hasn't been updated in a while so no worries. Hopefully we'll get another update mid-week and I'll post something on the Dinaari site about. (Yes, I use the site alot - you should too.)

Sharad has brought the Tally's back to life! An old oscar-like activity where you nominate members of Taldryan for certain titles and then we all vote. The nomination phase has just ended and the first vote is upon us. You should have gotten Sharad's email about it, or his news post... or his MB post, but if not here's the info again.

All you have to do to vote is login to the Taldryan site (www.taldryan.org/login.php) and click on the "Vote for Tally's" link at the bottom of your admin functions. It's a fun activity and you should all go vote now!

The OHC and former Dinaari Quaestor, Shaithis, is working with Mav and some of our allies to put together an Inter-Club CTF tournament for both Jedi Outcast and Jedi Academy. If you own either of these games and want to join a team, email Kir and list any people you'd like to have for partners. This should be a fun competition and we'll get to test our mettle against our allies and I believe the EHDB (asskicking your enemies is so much fun :P)

News from Abroad

Allegiance is growing in popularity and I'll tell you straight up it's an awesome game. Flight Sim mixed with Strategy - eliteness :P It's a small download at 50MBs, just ask Mav on IRC - he knows all about Allegiance. Aside from Allegiance's popularity, the ACC is also growing. Theres a large group of Taldryanites who love the ACC, me included, and right now we're doing crazy amounts of matches for the Sith War. If you like to write you should sign up - just ask me how!

The Combat Master, aka the guy in charge of the ACC, has decided to step down. I'm not going into all the details as to why, but if you want to know the post is still on djb.org news. The GM and DGM haven't announced that they're taking applications so I dunno what they have planned for CM. I guess we'll all find out in time.


Some more promotions to announce this week, our newest members are doing really well and are being super active! So good work you new guys :P

Protector Kaetaal was elevated to the rank of Guardian continued activity since his promotion to Protector almost 3 months ago.

Novice Bio Madine was promoted to the rank of Acolyte for completing the requirements stated in the Dark Jedi Trials.

Novice Thor obtained the rank of Acolyte for completing the Dark Jedi Trials.

Apprentice Godo Nurok was elevated to Novice for completing this first step of the Dark Jedi Trials.

Thor, not being satisfied with just one rank in a week obtained Protector for completing and passing 5 Shadow Academy courses.


Nice group of medal emails for this week. I've started to notice that it's the same people who seem to be getting rewarded, maybe a few of you other people should check out the MP nights and DB/Clan competitions. Good work to the rest of you though!

Pimp Crix Madine - Crescent w/ Sapphire Star

Pimp Benevolent Whiner - 5 CFs, Dark Cross

Pimp Shadow Warrior - 7 CFs

Shadowhawk - 2 CFs

Dask_k - 1 CF, Crescent w/ Emerald Star

Wolf - 3 CFs

Thor - 2 CF

Parts and Joins

Protector Volant having become fed up with his former clan has chosen to join the ranks of Dinaari! Welcome, Volant!!

QUA’s Corner


Use it, abuse it, love it. I post alot of stuff on the site and it holds alot of useful information, like competition times and info so check it as often as you can. Right now we're working on a new function you can use when logging in to the site, but more info on that later. Also, don't forget http://www.taldryan.org/news.php also has a great source of info and news and is updated alot. Plus you can login and vote on the Tally's. That's pretty much it from my corner today... I've been ACCing lots with 5 battles going for the Sith War and I've been starting to play Allegiance. Other then that same ol same ol :P

_OE Pimp Shadow Taldrya(Obelisk)/M:OHC-QUA/Dinaari of Taldryan [ACC: PF]


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