Krath High Priestess Report


Krath High Priestess Report

  • Inter-phyle competition

We're ready to announce the murderer and the winners of the run-on competition! I've been trying to arrange an in-character announcement, but if I can't get it to happen soon, I'll go ahead and announce the results myself.

  • February 'The Flame' KMT winners

Both KMTs had huge participation this time around - me and Ciara are extremely impressed by the levels of activity in the DB at the moment. Thank you to all who entered.

Ciara's still marking the story KMT, but here are the results of the haiku competition:

1st place: KAP Vassan Rokir (Krath)/P:OCL-AED/Qel-Droma of Arcona

2nd place: DJK Mal'ari'carun (Krath)/QUA/Ektrosis of Taldryan

3rd place: GRD NexusMage (Krath)/TYR/Ektrosis of Taldryan

I'd like to say a huge well done to the winners - it was very closely fought. There were at least 5 that could easily have placed in the top 3.

The story KMT results will be announced shortly.

  • March KMTs:

Dialogue: 'The interrogation'

This should be written entirely as an interchange of dialogue.

(Exception: You may have a short introductory and ending paragraph which is not in dialogue form if you need it.)

Submit to Alanna [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Story: 'Dark Deal'

Story not shorter than 3 pages in word, no double spacing, 12 point.

Submit to Tiss [[Log in to view e-mail addresses]]

Closing date for both is the 31st March. Please use .txt or .doc format.

  • We're going to start running the character development competitions again. Watch out for more information on this coming soon.

Yaaay Vassan! :)

P.S. Qel-Droma pwnz j00 all again. :P

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